Hope is seeing light, instead of being surrounded by darkness.

The children have wowed me this week. They are all becoming independent learners and thinkers - the work they are producing is wonderful. This week I’ve grasped opportunities, to flick back to the children’s learning on their first day in year 1. The children have all been Lizzie Ladybirds—proud of what they have achieved, in such a short space of time. I am very excited for the progress they will make as they continue on their Year 1 Learning Journey.

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths, the children have finished their first maths block of year 1. They did an assessment to show off how much they have grown their brains. I was over the moon with the answers the children gave. They were all such Bobby Bees! I am looking forward to beginning addition and subtraction with them next week.

In English the children were delighted to see that their Jelly traps had worked and stopped the Evil Pea army. They wrote brilliant instructions, on how they made the traps, incase anyone else should need to make them. The children then created their own Superhero’s and Villain’s for the Supertato story. Our final writing piece for this unit, will be innovating the story with their own characters. They are going to be amazing!

In RE, we heard the story of Noah and the Flood, the children were enthralled by the story and asked lots of thought provoking questions. Why did God feel he had to start the flood? Why was Noah was the chosen one? We were then lucky enough to ask these questions to Noah himself.  Noah (Mrs Malley) was so convincing. The children were so engaged with Noah and on Mrs Malley’s return, the children couldn't believe she had missed out on meeting Noah - please don’t tell them! The children asked even more thoughtful questions and got so much from the activity.

In RHE we have been talking about hope, linking to our learning of Noah and the Flood. The children thought about hope and why it is so important in these uncertain times. We explored how Noah needed to have hope and how he must have felt when the sky turned gloomy and the rain came. The children then planted some iris flowers, in our class garden. They are the flower of hope and we cannot wait to watch them blossom, as we grow and learn.

In Science, the children have been classifying animals into the following groups: amphibians, mammals, reptiles, birds and fish. The children thought deeply, continuously questioning, ‘how do I know a cat is a mammal?’, ‘if an animal has scales and is cold-blooded, what group does it belong to?’ Over the weekend, can the children classify any animals they see?

Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.



Determined Sadie Spider- For being such a resilient learner. Amelia, you have worked your socks off this week. You have blown me away with your sounds in Read Write Inc. and your Supertato writing so far, is amazing! I am so proud of you! I can’t wait to see more of your wonderful work next week

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being such a considerate learner. Finley, you bring so much kindness to our classroom. It fills my heart with joy when I see you using your ‘heart hands’, to show your class friends and teachers that you care about them. Thank you for being such a positive role model in our class - you are a Superstar

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Teddy, Charlotte, Amelia, Tommy and Ciaran.


  • As the weather get’s wetter and colder, please ensure children are bringing appropriate clothing with them everyday. Please label gloves, hats etc.

  • If your child has a cold, please can they bring in a pack of their own tissues.

Have a lovely weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter