"Faith makes all the difference"

The children have continued to amaze all of the adults working within Year 2 this week and we all can’t quite believe how much learning we are continuing to get through each day. I don’t know about the children, but I certainly need a lie down when half past three comes around!

The class have continued to enjoy and love our focus story ‘Flat Stanley’, where this week, Stanley the hero saved the day! He caught some sneaky thieves who had been stealing expensive art from the famous art museum in the city! We had a great laugh reading all about Stanley’s ‘disgusting’ disguise and all of the children were able to highlight the range of adjectives used within the text. We then had a go at creating our own disguises for Stanley, and I was amazed at the range of adjectives that the children used to described their disguises. Finally, the class had a go at independently writing a set of instructions to help Stanley to get into his new disguise. Well done Year 2 - what ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ you have been in your writing this week!

Maths has been just as jam packed as ever as we have continued our addition and subtraction sequence of learning. We have continued to look at number fact families and learned about inverse this week. The children have been busy using the inverse to check calculations and then moved onto spotting the connection between adding ones and adding tens. What a class of ‘Don’t Give Up, Sadie Spiders’ you are Year 2!

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In RHE, we continued to think about how we are all different and how God made us all special and unique. We discussed the similarities and differences that we have within our class and celebrated each other’s talents and qualities. As always, it was humbling to observe just how well the class are able to spot such lovely qualities in each other.

The children blew me away in RE this week during our learning about the story of Daniel and the Lions. They were able to think so deeply about the thoughts and feelings of all of the people within the story and why God saved Daniel from the lions that day. Each child wrote a lovely thank you prayer from Daniel to God containing lovely words of faith and belief.

Let’s Celebrate

You have been a real ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon’ during our English lessons this week Layla.  You have completed some brilliant writing – I loved your new disguise for Flat Stanley and you remembered to include those important adjectives in your descriptions.  Keep up the hard work Layla, it is so lovely to see such enthusiasm in class!

This week you have shown just what you are capable of when you are focused Liam!  You have been so engaged in every lesson which has led to you sharing some wonderful ideas and producing some fantastic work.  It has been great to see you sitting so proud in your chair with a beaming smile on your face, knowing that you have put your all into the lesson and looking forward to a well deserved break at the next play time!  Keep it up Liam. 

Please don’t forget to check the Home Learning page for this week’s online homework.

Have a lovely weekend with your families.

God Bless,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Carter and Mrs Malley