Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 9th October 2020


Please ensure that your child is reading for at least 10 minutes a day.

This week, I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash for the children to complete. This is to write a book review for ‘Flat Stanley’ which we have just finished reading in class. I can’t wait to read these when I receive them next week.

Here you can see the 2Dos for this week.  Your child does not need to complete the book review all at once.  They may start it, save it, then click on the ‘continue work’ button to carry on.  When the review is finished, please click the ‘hand in’ b…

Here you can see the 2Dos for this week. Your child does not need to complete the book review all at once. They may start it, save it, then click on the ‘continue work’ button to carry on. When the review is finished, please click the ‘hand in’ button. Thank you.


spotty   runny   funny    boggy    muddy    sloppy all   look   one   was   were   what 


There are 3 2Dos for you to complete on Purple Mash:
1 more/1 less
Number bond pairs to 10
Number bond pairs to 20

English IXL

I.1 I.2

Maths IXL

D.11 D.12 D.13 D.14