There are no passengers on spaceship planet Earth - we are all crew!!

The highlight of the week may be our RE lesson during which we explored the issue of global warming. The children had a thousand of questions and so many opinions! These children are passionate about solving the problems we face as a world community! It gives you hope!

In maths we explored negative numbers and we’ve finished our place value work up to and beyond 1 million. We’re ready to tackle addition and subtraction problems now. In English the children have learned our class story off by heart, this has allowed us to explore the new grammar features within it. We are excited about using these new skills in our story writing next week. In history we have researched some very famous and influential Greeks! We need to continue with this so we can pick what we think is the ultimate Greek team - people who have influence today!!! We must say a big thank you to Miss Hornby as we received some sparkly new laptops too! Art remains a highlight of the week - please visit our gallery on the art page! Music and French played their part - the children have learnt the names for different parts of the body! Faye and Megan both read their gratitude prayers as we prayed together on Tuesday - thank you!

Awards this week:

Growth Mindset certificates went to: Sophie and Kaya - well done!!!

Manners of the week for dinnertime went to - Olivia


Mr Nay takes the whole class for extra PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you would like to come in your tracksuit please do so. If you prefer to wear school uniform, pop your trainers in your bag!

Water bottles need to have water inside. Juice can be consumed at dinnertime - please use another smaller bottle for this - thank you.