‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’

The children have worked so hard this week and have really challenged their brilliant brains, especially in maths! On Tuesday we had Online Safety Day. We had lots of discussion about communicating online and the importance of always being kind. The children then sent emails to story book characters, such as The Big Bad Wolf and Goldilocks. It was lovely to see how these children communicated kindly, even though they didn’t agree with the choices of these characters.

Thank you for embracing the number bonds challenge. The children have been so eager to go on to number bond 5 and I was so impressed to see that lots of the children were secure in their number bonds up to 4.

Today we spent our PE lesson learning lots of fun-filled and safe, playground games. Break times are such a special time to build friendships and have a brain break. However, safety is always the priority. As a class we have agreed that ‘Ninja games’, which involve pretend fighting, are not kind or safe. I have challenged the children to teach you one of the new playground games, over the weekend.

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths, the children have been introduced to the addition symbol and have been solving lots of missing number problems. They can continue to practise this learning through the ongoing IXL learning I have set.

In English, the children have written some brilliant character descriptions of Mole and Crocodile. They are growing in confidence each lesson and I’ve been so impressed with their choice of adjectives and verbs. Next week they will be writing the original story, from a story map. How exciting!

In RHE the children have been learning about Super Susie. She has the power to click her fingers and eat as much sugary food as she likes! The children decided that Susie was not so super after all. They thought of lots of healthy foods that can keep her body healthy and happy.



Determined Sadie Spider - For being a resilient learner. Tommy, this week you have been so focused and determined to grow your brain. I have been so impressed with your sounds in Read Write Inc. and your resilience to keep trying when you don’t get the right answer straight away. You are growing to be more independent in your learning and not worry about making a mistake. Well done Tommy!

Focused Cooper Crab - For being a brilliant listener. Lily, as the week has gone on, you have become more and more focused. You have been a role model whilst sat on the carpet and you blew me away with your listening during dance. Your Jungle Book dancing was so impressive, because you listened to instructions and advice. Well done Lily, let’s keep this super focus up!!

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Amelia, Lily, Rose, Jacob and Sean.


  • Dates for the diary:

    • The year 1 children have been thinking of ways to raise money for Brian House. As a school we have decided to raise money for our chosen charities only this term; they are in great need of extra support, now more than ever. Year 1 have come up with the following ideas to raise money. Friday 11th December will be Year 1 Christmas Jumper Day. The children will have a fun filled day of Christmas activities including an exciting treasure hunt! We ask that on this day your child brings in a £1 coin, to support Brian House.

    • The whole school will be doing a Christmas Danceathon (in classes), on Tuesday 15th December. We will be raising money for Brian House again on this day. It would be greatly appreciated if children could bring a £1 coin to dance for Brian House.

  • I have noticed that children’s clothes are still not labelled. Please can you clearly label your child’s clothes. It not only makes my life so much easier when trying to reunite children with their belongings, it is also preventing clothes (and germs) going home to the wrong house!

Have a joyful weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell