‘May this season remind you of the hope, joy, love and peace found in Christ.’

We have had such a lovely week in Year 1, reflecting on the birth of Jesus and the beginning of Advent. The children have written their own advent promises, along with a prayer to God, thanking him for the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Thank you so much for those of you who brought in an addressed envelope. I am so excited that every child will be getting a special festive message through the post. The children will be designing their own Christmas cards. These will be inspired by the Shepherds being the first to hear the good news of Jesus’ birth. I will put the Christmas cards into quarantine and will be safely posting them next week…so keep an eye on your post! Thank you again, I really appreciate your support!

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths, the children have been really challenging themselves. They have been identifying a family of 8 number facts. The children have been so resilient with this learning, despite fining it tricky! I have set this as the main focus for this week’s home learning. Please find an example on the How to Help Your Child Page.

In English, the children have been writing their own Dangerous stories. I have been blown away with the children’s creativity and enthusiasm for getting all of their ideas written down. I love flicking to the very front of the children’s books with them and admiring how much progress they have made. They should all be super proud of themselves.

In RHE we read the story of Ravi’s Roar. The story is about a little boy who is the youngest in the family and never seems to get his own way. He is slower than his siblings and can’t reach the monkey bars. One day, he has enough and he turns into a real tiger! Ravi the tiger wins all the races and roars when he doesn’t get his own way. After time, the other children are afraid of Ravi and don’t want to play with him anymore. As a class, we discussed how sometimes we can turn into tigers. We talked about how it is okay to be angry, but there are lots of ways to help us feel calmer, that don’t include roaring like a tiger.



Determined Sadie Spider - For being a resilient learner. Tilly, you have been so determined to write a brilliant Dangerous story. You’ve been as silent as a mouse, giving all your attention to your creative writing. You have even reflected on your work and edited it, without being asked to. You are such a resilient Sadie Spider Tilly – well done you!

Focused Cooper Crab - For being a focused learner. Seth, you finished writing your Dangerous story in record time! This is all down to your amazing focus and determination to succeed.  When you concentrate and manage your distractions, amazing things can happen. I am so impressed Seth – let’s keep it up!


  • Dates for the diary:

    • Friday 11th December - Year 1 Christmas Jumper Day. No need to wear PE kit. The children will have a fun filled day of Christmas activities including an exciting treasure hunt! We ask that on this day your child brings in a £1 coin, to support Brian House. Please note we can only accept £1 coins, thank you for your support with this.

    • Tuesday 15th December - Christmas Danceathon (in classes), on Tuesday 15th December. We will be raising money for Brian House again on this day. It would be greatly appreciated if children could bring a £1 coin to dance for Brian House.

    • Christmas Party Day - Thursday 17th December On this day, children can come to school in their best party clothes, but please do remember sensible footwear and warm layers as we will still be going out for playtimes. A small snack of a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps with a drink (no fizzy please) can also be brought into school to be enjoyed after the party. We will also be enjoying a Christmas dinner for lunch.

  • You may notice a slight change to the blog; we have been tweaking it slightly so that it is more user friendly on mobile phones. There are now buttons to access Weekly Home Learning and Remote Home Learning.

Have a joyful weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell