Year 1 Home Learning 4.12.20


This week’s spellings have the nk and k sound. Children will be tested on six of the words below, plus a bonus spelling from last week.

bank think honk sunk Kent sketch kit skin tank thank


Children have a worksheet to practise their fact families on. The children should write the 8 facts for the penguins and snowmen and then create their own family of facts. An example of this can be found on the How to Help Your Child Page.

Read, read, read!

The children are doing so well with their flashcards and it is having a noticeable impact on their reading. On the How to help your child page, there is a link to all of the flashcards.

Children who have completed learning the flash cards on sight, are now challenging themselves to spell them (starting from word set 1).

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.