‘Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow.’

Year 1, we could not have had a better start to February! This week, you have all been brave Tommy Turtles and have thrown yourself into every learning challenge I have set. The learning on Purple Mash has been exceptional. I can tell that you are all getting a lot more confident using it and handing in your learning. I had some more children leaving me voice messages this week, telling me how they had found the learning. These made my day! Next week I would love it if everyone could leave me a little voice message. Can you have a go?

Your ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ stories have been amazing. I loved reading your stories and seeing that you had remembered all of your punctuation and used your purple pencils, had me jumping for joy! I hope you all enjoyed creating your own story maps. I am already buzzing with anticipation to read your new monster stories. This is your opportunity to celebrate all of the amazing learning you have done this half term, in one piece of writing. I believe in you!

In maths we have been practising our subtraction. I know we are finding subtraction and partitioning a little bit tricky and that’s okay! We have never subtracted with numbers this great before, so our brains are going to have to think a lot harder. The more subtraction practise you do, the stronger your brain will grow and so will your confidence. I have been so proud of the children who have said ‘I don’t get this yet but I’m going to keep practising!’ Clap clap clap!

Well done to those children who went on a material treasure hunt! I have been so impressed with your vocabulary, when describing the properties of the materials. We will be continuing our science learning next week, how exciting! I loved learning all about your Baptism’s! I hope you enjoyed finding out all about the special day, when God welcomed you into his family.

Thank you to all of you who have been sending your children’s photos to Mrs Kaur. As always, please continue to email learning and questions, to myself and any general photos to Mrs Kaur. Children, I hope you enjoy looking at your class friends below. Look at all those happy faces!


Reading Stars

A big hip-hip-hooray to Ciaran, Toby, Gus, John Paul, Logan, Rose, Hugo and Charlotte who have met their reading targets on Accelerated Reader this week!

There are only three children who have not quizzed on Accelerated Reader. I would like everybody to quiz at least once next week! All the details you need are on the How to Help your Child page.

Star of the Day

This weeks stars have been: Sean, Tommy, Teddy, Hudson and Amelia.


Focused Cooper Crab: For focusing on your learning and being a role model to others. Finley you are the champion of managing your distractions; you won’t let anything stop you from growing your brilliant brain! I was so proud of you this week, when you were honest about the maths you found tricky. You know that when you are stuck, it is a good thing to ask for help. Well done Finley!

Brave Tommy Turtle: For ‘having a go’, no matter what the activity or lesson. Toby, I have been so impressed with your eagerness to complete your remote learning on purple mash. You are trying so hard to improve your computing skills and it’s working! I couldn’t be prouder of the work you are producing and even though I can’t see you doing it, I can tell you’re completing it all with a smile!

Toby don’t worry if you can’t print your certificate out. I have put a copy of your certificate in your tray for you. We also did a big clap in class for you!


  • Next Tuesday is Online Safety Day. We will start the day off with a zoom at 9.15. Invitations will be sent out on Monday morning.

God bless and take care,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell