"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news"

The work completed this week has been INCREDIBLE! I still can’t quite believe how much we are managing to get through and the continued enthusiasm for learning is amazing.

We has so many Curious Clara Clownfish swimming around on Wednesday as we researched those nocturnal animals. I was blown away by the amount of facts found and the range of animals researched was super! After learning all of the facts, I’m wondering whether to take on a chaser on ‘The Chase’ with all of my new found knowledge! I can’t wait to see what these animals will teach Plop next week as we write our own version of the story together.

In maths, we’ve all finished our division and multiplication learning for now, but remember, these questions will keep popping up in our fluency! Already I can see what an impact TT Rockstars is having on the children’s fluency and recall, and confidence is oozing through the computer screens!

It has been lovely to think carefully about the Good News in RE, and reflect upon how we can become Good News people in our day to day lives. All of the children’s ideas were delightful and they certainly made me think how I could act differently too.

Here are a few snapshots of this week’s learning.

We have just have one more week of learning Year 2 until a well earned week of rest. Let’s keep that focus and determination going right up until next Friday children.
I’m so proud of you all!

Let’s Celebrate

Rex & Dominic, I am so proud of you!  Your enthusiasm oozes out of every piece of work and your smiles on photographs show just how much you are enjoying your learning.  It is clear to see that you focus on your learning everyday and your brains are growing so big because of this.  I loved reading your facts about nocturnal animals and can’t wait to see how your chosen animals will help Plop in your story next week.  Well done! 

Rafe – what a Curious Clara Clownfish you are!  You love learning new knowledge and will ask so many questions in order to find out more.  This week you chose to research aardvarks as your nocturnal animal, as this was an animal that you didn’t know much about.  It’s lovely to hear that this is now one of your favourite animals and you can’t wait to research more about them!  Never lose this curiosity Rafe, it’s a wonderful quality to have!


Learning will pause for the half term holidays on Friday 12th February. Learning will commence on Monday 22nd February.

Enjoy a well earned rest this weekend!
God Bless
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team!