This week...

Yet another week crammed full of fun and learning. We kick started the week with the song and story ‘Walking through the Jungle’, as the children are not quite ready to leave learning about wild animals yet. A group of friends then designed and made all the animals mentioned in the song. I have used their display at the start of this blog, isn’t it fabulous? If you want to learn the song at home click here.

We also enjoyed doing the ‘Animal Boogie’, click here to join in! You may need a rest afterwards.

We have started to learn about animals on the farm, although they are not quite as exciting as lions, tigers etc. Everyone decided that we could find out about both categories!

The children have been learning adult and baby names. Watch out for the home learning challenge that will be coming home this week. Good luck.

Click here for Animals and their babies, Part 1

Click here for Animals and their Babies, Part 2

I’ve also set some Purple Mash activities to do at home. There is a farm pairs game to play with a family member, try and get your sister or brother to play. Next, I have set a Mash Cam picture of a farmer to create, let me know what is happening down on your farm! Mummy or daddy you will have to help with the typing. I can’t wait to see them. Also, if you enter the Mini Mash indoor play room I have pinned some topics to explore. You choose which ones you would like to play. Have fun!

A big thank you and well done to everyone who has completed last weeks challenge.

In our exploration of number five we have got a challenge for the children at home.

In the picture below can the children count:

How many animals are in the grassy green?

How many animals are in the flower meadow?

How many animals in the whole picture?

I think the children will amaze you at their number skills. You ask the questions and then let the children count. I bet some will be able to count the animals in their heads! Wow!

I think the children will amaze you at their number skills. You ask the questions and then let the children count. I bet some will be able to count the animals in their heads! Wow!

We found some plumbing tubes in the outside store cupboard and the children put them in the sand. Everyone was very inventive and made some kind of machine, ranging from a magnet, binoculars, a fire machine full of hot lava, ouch! Look at the photos below.

It reminds me of a story. The Most Magnificent Thing, click here to listen to it! It’s one of my favourites. Maybe you could make a ‘magnificent thing’ at home this weekend. Send me a photo I would love to see it!

As if we haven’t already done enough this week we have been practicing our letter sounds, playing a memory game and animal pairs. You could try and make the memory game at home. All you will need are some small toys (we used farm animals), a tray and a tea towel. Memorise the things on the tray and then ask a grown up to remove one. Can you say which item is missing?

On Tuesday we found lots of keys; large keys and fairy keys. We thought the fairy keys were for the fairy doors in nursery, but we couldn’t find the right key to unlock the door! So we decided to sort them in to keys that were the same. There were so many of them it took ages!

Here are a collection of all the other activities we have doing at nursery. As you can see learning never stops at nursery!

I am sure you will understand why the children (and staff) are tired when they get home, we are so very busy the whole day long.

Finally, it remains for me to wish everyone a restful weekend, enjoying each others company. Fingers crossed for some sunshine like today so we can go out for a socially distanced walk with our family. Keep safe and I will see you all bright eyed and bushy tailed on Monday.
