‘You can’t have the rainbow without a little rain.’

It feels like a long time in the making but I can hardly believe this chapter has come to an end. I am beyond excited to have the children back on Monday. Next week will be dedicated to settling the children back into school life and reuniting with their friends. I have planned a wonderful week of learning, with love and compassion at the heart of it. I know that Monday will be a big shock for the children but I want to reassure you that it will be a gentle transition back into school life and that they will be given lots of emotional and social support. Please bear with us during the first week; we will get the children’s reading books changed once we have assessed their reading and Read Write Inc. will commence the week after.

To all the parents and carers who have supported the children at home…thank you. I know it has not been easy but you have gone over and above to keep the magic of learning alive and the children’s work has been incredible. You have all been brilliant at keeping in touch and letting me know how your child has been getting on. These updates have been so helpful and very much appreciated. You all deserve a medal and I am in awe of you all!

On Monday we will be having the grand opening of our new outdoor classroom. The timing of this wonderful space could not be better…Spring has certainly sprung and as we all know, fresh air is important to keep us all safe. The outdoor classroom is fully equipped with a whiteboard and will be used to teach outside as much as possible. However, until our beautiful Acer trees fill with leaves, there is minimal shade. Please can you ensure that on sunny days your child arrives at school wearing sun-cream and wearing a sun hat to protect their head and neck. Thank you so much and please pray for sunshine for our grand opening!



Focused Cooper Crab: For being a super focused learner. Hugo, you have impressed me so much with your focus while learning remotely. You have completed your work with a big smile and have been trying your very best! I am so proud of you Hugo and I can’t wait to have you back in school on Monday! Hop-hip hooray!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for your English writing. Amelia, you wrote a wonderful fact file for Beatrix Potter. It was bursting with interesting facts and was written beautifully. Most importantly, I love how you wrote it with a big smile on your face! Well done Amelia, you are such a Bobby Bee!

Hugo don’t worry if you can’t print your certificate out. I have put a copy of your certificate in your tray for you. We also did a big clap in class for you!

Star of the Day

This weeks stars have been Tommy, Jacob, Seth, Tilly and Finley. Well done all of you!


  • URGENT: Please ensure you have read the updated guidance on the Discover page prior to Monday. You can do so on the Keeping Safe page.

  • PE DAYS: Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).

  • Please can children bring in their reading packets with any reading books/Read Write Inc. books they borrowed (a long time ago).

  • Children must bring a labelled water bottle to school with them everyday. The bottle should be filled up with water ready for the day ahead.

God bless and have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell