"Every new moment is a fresh beginning" TS Elliot

Our final week in lockdown, was not been without it’s challenges. Mrs Harrison faced the technical challenge of zoom as she danced on Wednesday, Miss coupe completed her placement with us, Miss Basset planned with Mrs Hotchkiss for Year 5 and Mrs Nel watched the lessons and cried at our responses in RE! As the little film on Friday morning stated - I cannot thank you all enough for working so hard over the past 8 weeks. It has not always been straight forward but together we kept the learning going. We now need to come together again in friendship - back to our class bubble. People are meant to be together, when we look after others we find our true selves.

In council today I shared with the children’s their new timetable. There are some changes to note: PE is now Tuesday and Friday. No yoga on Wednesday. The class is split into two groups for ART and group 1 has art on Wednesday afternoon and group 2 has art on Thursday afternoon. The lovely Miss Bassett and Mrs Russell will be teaching on Monday and Friday and Mrs Harrison and Mrs Russell with teach on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I have attached the new timetable below - you will notice that Mrs Hotchkiss is popping up all over the place so nothing different there! Sadly, Miss Coupe is finishing her placement but has given three days of her own time next week - which is so kind. We will really miss you - you will be forever part of our Year 5 family

Please make sure you have read the lasted newsletter and you are up to date with all the guidance. The children are not returning to normal school but the bubbles they became familiar with in the autumn term following all school guidance from the government.


Instead of certificates this week we thought we would celebrate our zoom poetry slam which we took part in on World Book day! We had 4 break out rooms and we each wrote a poem to perform. WE did run out of time a little and the teachers had to give it some attitude!

Here is on of the poems press on the image to open the others!


Return to school Monday please follow all school guidance when dropping off at the correct time and then again when picking up.

Please take note of the timetable above for our return. PE is Tuesday and Friday.

Please find attached the art/PE groups so you know when you have art

If you need any help/advice please don’t hesitate to to get in touch

God Bless Mrs Hotchkiss and the whole team