Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.

What a sunny week we have had in Year 1! The sun has been shining and our brains have been growing…it’s been a wonderful week. We have been making the most of this glorious sunshine and have been spending lots of time in our outdoor classroom. We have begun reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and have enjoyed it even better for reading it outside.

The children’s sunflowers are beginning to shoot up and some of us have even got a little leaf growing!


What have we been learning this week?

This week in RE we have learnt about how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. We then made a display in the classroom showing all the different ways that we can pray and reflected on how we like to pray.

In English, we have been using the joining word ‘but’ and have written some creative sentences about Mr McGregor and Peter Rabbit. The children will start writing The Tale of the Radish Robber next week and the more practise they get over the weekend - the more confident they will be! Please see Weekly Home Learning page, for more information.

In Maths we have been reviewing previous learning and have gone over any gaps in our understanding of place value within 50. Next week, we will be moving on to measuring length and height.

In RHE we read the parable of the Prodigal Son. We learned how God wants us to make good choices but that he is ready to forgive us, if we are sorry for our mistakes.

The photo that looks as if the children have turned into monkeys and are grooming each other, is actually them doing their Peer Massage together! This action was ‘the hairdresser’.



Reflective Lizzie Ladybird: For reflecting on your writing and thinking wisely about how you could improve it. Rory, you have been such a Lizzie Ladybird this week and have challenged yourself to use the word ‘but’ in all of your writing. You’ve also worked beautifully with your learning partner and as a result, the learning you have done together has been amazing! Well done Rory!

Focused Cooper Crab: For concentrating on all of your work. Charlotte, your writing this week has been amazing! You have pushed yourself to write creative sentences and have been a supportive learning partner too. You love nothing more than getting your head down and quietly working your socks off! Well done Charlotte!


  • PE DAYS: Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).

  • Children need an old t-shirt for Art lessons. The last thing we want is our lovely school uniforms getting messy!

  • Details of this weeks home Learning can be found in Weekly Home Learning.

God bless and have a wonderful sunny weekend,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell