‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’

The children have been full of smiles this week and have been so compassionate towards each other. This half term has whizzed by and I can hardly believe we’re almost at the Easter break. As you know, school will break up for Easter next Thursday and as a celebration for their incredible hard work, we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt in the outdoor classroom. Also on this day, one house will be invited to wear their house colours/own clothes to celebrate the winning house point total in Year 1. I will let you know who this is on Wednesday afternoon, although I have no doubt the children will happily tell you if they are allowed to wear their own clothes.

This week, we shared some bitter sweet news with the children. The wonderful Mrs Kaur will be sadly leaving the school at Easter. Mrs Kaur is relocating and has a new, exciting chapter in her life, ahead of her. We look forward to having a fantastic final week with Mrs Kaur and making the most of being together. On a happier note, after Easter, the fabulous Miss Liddell will be joining me in the classroom all day long. The children are very excited to spend more time with Miss Liddell; it’s always sad when she leaves us half way through the normal school day. Every cloud has a silver lining!

What have we been learning this week?

This week in RE we have learnt about the Easter Story and have been retelling it using our own words. We have also been busy creating an Easter treat for you all, which will be published on the blog next Friday.

In English, we have been writing the Tale of the Radish Robber. The children have been so confident writing this and have enthusiastically retold the story with actions too.

In Maths we have been measuring length and height. The children have compared the length and height of different objects and have learned how we can measure with a ruler in cm. We have also learned some actions for when we hear the words: ‘height’, ‘length’ and ‘size’. Why not ask your child to show you?

In RHE we have begun thinking about Keeping Safe. I have decided that next week, a lot of time will be dedicated to lessons on keeping safe. We will be learning about road safety; good secrets and bad secrets; physical contact, harmful substances and who can help us if we need help. Please ask your child what they have learned each day about keeping safe, so that they can consolidate this very important learning with you and also hear your wise words too!



Cooperative Roger Robin: For being a considerate learner. Lily, I have lost count of how many acts of kindness I have spotted from you this week. You are so loving and compassionate towards others, especially your learning partner. Thank you for bringing so much kindness into our classroom. Well done Lily!

Curious Clara Clownfish: For asking curious questions! Louis, you have been very inquisitive this week and have asked lots of super questions in History. It is wonderful to see you thinking deeply and pushing your brain to grow and grow! Well done Louis and keep being curious!

Star of the Day

This week’s stars have been Josh, Hugo, Grace, Naomi and Gus! Well done you five!


  • School will break up at 3:15 and 3.30 next Thursday.

  • PE DAYS: Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).

  • Children need an old t-shirt for Art lessons. The last thing we want is our lovely school uniforms getting messy!

  • Details of this weeks home Learning can be found in Weekly Home Learning.

  • Just a friendly reminder that if you have any worries or concerns, that you would like to chat to me about, you can always drop me an email at e.lane@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

God bless and have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell