"He bore it all in silence because he held us dear. May he receive our regards, may our prayers he hear"

What an amazing week it has been here in Year 2! It has been lovely to see so much love and compassion amongst our class team this week, with the children making super choices and spreading so many smiles. We continued our 'how to treat others’ learning in RHE, where we watched several scenarios and decided whether the actions of the children made them a good friend or not. We thought carefully about the qualities that we like to see in our friends and discussed what we can do to become even more compassionate towards each other. I am looking forward to spotting all these different qualities in our classroom next week.

In maths we started our new fraction learning. We revisited and investigated the important mathematical terms ‘whole and part’ before looking further at equal and unequal parts. We then learnt all about finding halves of shape and number and will be moving onto finding quarters next week.

English lessons have been jam packed as we have been consolidating some important grammar skills that might have slipped to the back of our brains during lockdown. We read the story of ‘Frog and Toad’ together and soon realised that many of the sentences used were super simple. We then took on the tricky challenge of improving the author’s sentences using the conjunctions ‘and’, ‘so’, ‘but’ and ‘or’.

We have continued to look at the parts of the mass in our RE sessions, and this week we learnt all about the offertory and consecration. This lead us beautifully into some wonderful conversations about the last supper and what Jesus did at that final meal with his disciples. Next week we will delve deeper into the different parts of the Easter story as we journey through Holy Week together.

Let’s Celebrate

My goodness Millie – what a focused Cooper Crab you have been this week!  Your listening ears have been turned right up in every lesson and you have managed any distractions around you wonderfully.  Your careful listening has shown in the understanding and quality of your work and great progress is being made.  Well done Millie – you should feel extremely proud of yourself.

Liam, you have been such an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee in our class this week!  It has been amazing to see you participating so confidently in lessons and you have never been afraid to simply have a go!  You have sought help when you have needed it which has enabled you to complete some super independent work.  Well done Liam! 


Please keep a look out for an exciting text message on Wednesday evening. We have been collecting and counting up the learning points each week of this term and the house team awarded the most points overall can come to school wearing their own clothes/house colours on Thursday for the final day of term. I will also inform the children of the winning house before they leave school on Wednesday so I’m sure that you will know the outcome before you receive my text! Please note that each class are counting up their own points so winners will be different across school. For example, Marsden may win in Year 2 but in Year 1 it might be Bamber.

School closes for Easter at the normal times of 3:15pm and 3:30pm on Thursday 1st April.

Have a restful weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team