Chomp, swish, stomp let’s do the Dinosaur. 1, 2, 3 and everybody roar!

We have had a wonderful week in Year one and have enjoyed lots of happy time playing on the field, in the sunshine. The children have returned from their Easter break, refreshed and full of enthusiasm for growing their brains. However, they returned to an unexpected scene…a Time Machine had appeared in their classroom! If this wasn’t alarming enough, the children noticed that tables had been turned upside down and books knocked onto the floor. The giant footprints showed that something very large had stomped out of the classroom and that was just the beginning.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths we have been been mastering counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. It would be wonderful if this learning could be rehearsed at home too!

In English, the children have been doing some amazing writing about the Dinosaur that’s on the loose. The children came up with a plan to set up a camera and see if we could catch a glimpse of the dinosaur. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw the video below!

In RHE, we have been learning about the special people in our lives and what makes them special.




Determined Lizzie Ladybird: For challenging yourself to improve your writing. Daisy, your writing this week has blown me away. You have been determined to write creatively and have even asked to practise writing sentences during play time. Your dinosaur writing has been brilliant and I am already so excited to read the writing you do next week. Well done Daisy!

Focused Cooper Crab: For challenging yourself to get all of your writing done. Logan, you have worked beautifully with your new learning partner and have focused on your writing. It’s lovely to see such a big smile on your face, when you get all of your brilliant ideas written down on paper. I am super proud of you Logan and I know you can keep it up! Well done you!


  • An urgent plea: We have run out of spare clothes in the Year 1 classroom. If your child is prone to having accidents, please ensure they have spare clothes with them. If your child borrows clothes, please can they be returned at your earliest convenience. If anyone has anything they would like to donate - it would be much appreciated. We urgently need: white polo tops, PE shorts, skirts, boys underwear and boys school trousers. Thank you so much!

  • Details of this weeks home learning, can be found on the Weekly Home Learning page.

  • For details on the upcoming parent teacher sessions, please read Miss Hornby’s weekly blog. I look forward to having a chat with you all about your wonderful children.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team