We hope that you all managed to have some relaxing family time over the Easter break. It is lovely to have the children back for the final term of the year.
The term has started well with the children determined to make the most of this final term and to grow their brains as much as they can. Our liturgies this week have all centred around the Resurrection. The children have shared some lovely prayers for others. We love these special times every day. In maths we have continued to learn about fractions, finding fractions of amounts and linking this with our multiplication and division facts. In English we have started our non-fiction topic on the Roman Empire. The children have been so enthusiastic and have been coming into school with lots of facts about the Romans that they have found out — I can see that they are determined to become experts on the subject. This week we have been learning a short paragraph all about the Romans, putting actions to the text to help us along. We hope that you enjoy our little video below. In RHE, we have been thinking about how we are all different and all unique. We have enjoyed writing some poems about ourselves. In geography the children have learned about the animals that live in the Arctic. In RE we have now completed our preparation for Reconciliation (Please see the home learning page for this week’s home learning) and we have also found our more about the Mass.
Let’s Celebrate:
This week we celebrate Tabby and Leon. Tabby receives a Roger Robin certificate for her co-operation. Well done Tabby, you are such a kind and co-operative learning partner and a lovely friends. Super PE work too Tabby and more great co-operation. Leon receives a Tommy Turtle certificate for being a brave learner and always ready to have a go. Keep up the good work children. Well done.
We are also delighted that this week’s Lunchtime Role Model goes to Betsy and Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners goes to Stanley/. Well done children. We are so proud of you.
Things to Note:
Please check the Home Learning page for this week’s home learning. Thank you.
Mrs Curtis has asked that the children bring an old white t.shirt for their work on textiles and printing. These are needed for Monday’s lesson. (see Mrs Curtis’s blog) Thank you.
As the weather starts to improve, please make sure that all sweatshirts/cardigans/tracksuits are labelled so that they can be returned easily if they are taken off and put down. Please can you check at home to see if you have an extra sweatshirt at home that is not yours—Evan lost a new one just before the holiday. Thank you.
Please can you also check to see if you have Leon’s “Making Things Right” book as this has also not been seen since just before the holidays.
Please can we also ask that all children have a water bottle so that they can have a drink during the day. Thank you.
We hope that you all have a lovely weekend after a busy week.
Take care and stay safe,
The Year 3 Team
Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson and Miss Woodrow
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