‘Everything is more fun when you do it as a team.’ - Seth

There’s never a dull moment in Year One and this week certainly hasn’t disappointed! It was such a relief to see that the dinosaur had taken the bait on Monday morning and had followed the trail of meat, back into the time machine. Phew! The children have loved having the dinosaur on the loose and have shown how imaginative and creative they all are - I have lost count of the number of dinosaur sightings we have had…all day every day. It’s been fantastic!

The children are all settled into their new Read Write Inc groups and have been really pushing themselves to grow their reading brains. It’s been amazing having Miss Bassett working with small groups of children on a Monday and getting some extra phonics practise. Well done to all of those children who have brought their reading packet into school, everyday this week. Let’s all try to remember next week!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths we have been counting forwards and backwards up to 100. The children have been partitioning numbers within 100 into tens and ones. They have practised saying the STEM sentence e.g. 89 has 8 tens and 9 ones. It would be fantastic if you challenged them to teach you how they partition, over the weekend.

In English, the children have written an amazing recount of our encounter with the dinosaur. It was bursting with key vocabulary and so exciting to read. Suddenly, the Time Machine started to spark and on Thursday we found cave paintings and a fire in the classroom. The children are now on the look out for a Cave Man, called Ogg, who’s time travelled from the Stone Age!

In RHE, we have been learning about the qualities that make a good friend and a bad friend. Following on from this, we had a brilliant conversation about football. I had observed that not many girls play football at break times - when I know many of them love to play outside of school. When asked why this was, the girls’ shared that the boys didn’t pass to them and they felt as if they weren’t invited to play. We agreed as a class, that this is something we wanted to change. The next play time, everybody played football together and it was spectacular. In the wise words of Seth, “everything is more fun when you do it as a team.”



Co-operative Roger Robin: For being a little ray of sunshine! Tommy, you enter the classroom each day, ready to brighten up someone else’s day. You love to make others smile and all week I have watched you spreading joy with your kind words and actions. Tommy, thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow together.

Focused Cooper Crab: For being a focused writer. Josh, your writing about the Caveman was amazing! It has been lovely to see pushing yourself to get all of your work done and feeling proud of yourself when you do. When you focus you can achieve anything you want! I know you can keep it up Josh and I can’t wait to see the magical writing you do next week!


  • Details of this weeks home learning, can be found on the Weekly Home Learning page.

  • Don’t forget to book a parent’s meeting, all of the details can be found on Miss Hornby’s blog, via the Discover page.

  • If your child borrowed any equipment over lockdown, for example maths equipment or phonics resources (not flashcards), please could they be returned.

  • Fingers crossed the sunshine will continue to brighten up our days - all children must bring a sun hat to school and be wearing suncream. We want to get out into our lovely outdoor classroom as much as possible.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team