‘Those who do not think outside the box are easily contained’

Another sunny week has been welcomed in Reception, we have had lots of fun making chalk tracks to follow on our bucket stilts, a new favourite in our garden! The children got very creative in the garden and made their own small world which included Blackpool Tower.

We started the week retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs, then on Wednesday what a surprise we had, when a wolf knocked on our door. After some initial worried faces we realised that he wolf was actually very friendly. Mrs Wolf came to tell us her side of the story. I’ll let the children explain in the video below!

Mrs Wolf sent us and email the next day thanking us for being so kind and welcoming. She thoroughly enjoyed playing her favorite game tig with us all on the big field! We helped Mrs Wolf write some sorry letters to the pigs, she really didn’t mean to scare them! The children have blown us away effort with writing again this week, brilliant to see all those sounds being put to use!

Let’s Celebrate

Fletcher is a Determined Sadie Spider and a Focused Cooper Crab - For being so determined to use your sound knowledge especially during reading and writing activities. We are so impressed with your focus and willingness to have a go, even when you find the challenge tricky at first! Well done Fletcher!

Louisa is a Focused Cooper Crab - For concentrating really well during Read Write Inc. We are so impressed with your determination to use the new skills you have learnt to focus and finish a task without getting distracted. Well done Louisa!

Important Notices

School Bags - If you child has a blue reading bag please can you send this to school rather than a huge rusack. The children have a tray and large rusacks are far too big to fit in. It means other children are struggling to open their trays and we spend a lot of our learning time trying to open trays that have become wedged. I have looked in the rusacks and most if not all are empty apart from a reading folder.

Home learning - This can be found on the ‘Weekly Home Learning’ button of our Reception page.

Have a lovely weekend

The Reception Team