‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as God forgave you.’

The class has been filled with 30 Bobby Bees this week; the children have amazed me with their love of learning and growing their brains. They are all growing in independence and their love of reading and writing is truly blossoming. The children are all still pushing themselves with their word sets, which is fantastic. Once your child has learned to read the word sets, they then learn to spell the words. The challenge after this comes with longer and more challenging books, that they are growing in confidence to read.

Each day has been made more exciting by our class caterpillars. They are all now hanging upside down as a chrysalis - beginning their metamorphosis journey! It won’t be long until we put them into their butterfly nets ready to watch them fly!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths we have been ordering numbers within 100 and have been using our knowledge of tens and ones to help us compare the numbers. A challenge the children, really enjoyed was the 100 Square Jigsaw. This was a brilliant activity for reasoning and problem solving. I have uploaded a 100 square below, which you are welcome to print out and cut into jigsaw pieces. I have no doubt your child will love showing you how to do this.

100 sq.PNG

In English, the children have been helping Ogg to make wise choices in this unknown world. They have given him advice on how to behave at the park, in a restaurant and at the Library. This was completed on Purple Mash, so please do log on and see their super writing for yourself. I am in the process of marking them, so they may not have my feedback yet. They also wrote instructions on how to do things such as cross the road and brush your teeth. Next week, the children will begin to write the story of Ogg, (The Caveman Next Door) and have a story map to practise over the weekend.

In RHE, we have been learning about the importance of saying sorry and forgiveness. We have talked about how when we hurt someone on the inside or on the outside, it hurts God too. We should say sorry to God too and ask for forgiveness.



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for your writing. Gus, you have believed in yourself this week and have shared brilliant ideas during class discussion. It’s been lovely to see you working so co-operatively with your learning partner too and growing your brains together! Well done Gus, I’m so proud of you!

Brave Tommy Turtle: For ‘having a go’ at everything and not being scared to make a mistake. Elsa, you been a brave writer this week and have been excited to use ‘because’ in your writing.  It’s been wonderful to see you writing with a big smile and believing in yourself! I’ve loved seeing you playing football too and playing so co-operatively.  Hip-Hip Hooray Elsa!


  • Details of this weeks home learning, can be found on the Weekly Home Learning page.

  • If your child borrowed any equipment over lockdown, for example maths equipment or phonics resources (not flashcards), please could they be returned.

  • Fingers crossed the sunshine will continue to brighten up our days - all children must bring a sun hat to school and be wearing suncream. We want to get out into our lovely outdoor classroom as much as possible.

Wishing you all a lovely long weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team