‘All things are difficult before they are easy.’

The Year 1 classroom is full of excitement and anticipation - the caterpillars are now chyrsalis’ and are awaiting their first flight in the butterfly net. I’m so proud of how gentle and thoughtful the children have been around the caterpillars.

Considering we have had a shorter week this week, we have still done lots of wonderful learning. From seasons on the farm to Jesus meeting his disciples in the Upper Room…we’ve been very busy!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children did a Lizzie Ladybird Challenge to identify the gaps in their learning and areas they can improve on. I look forward to sharing their mini targets with you next week.

In English, the children have begun retelling the story of The Caveman Next Door and have been such Cooper Crabs. The children are all challenging themselves to write in their neatest handwriting, so that they can read their story back to themselves

In RHE, we continued our learning about friendship and how to resolve conflicts with friends. The children role played how they could communicate their feelings using their words.



Determined Sadie Spider: For being a determined learner. Lorenzo, I have been so impressed with your resilience this week, especially when you have been doing your writing. You have kept going, even when you have found the learning challenging and because of this your brain is bigger and stronger than it has ever been! Well done Lorenzo!

Big well done for also completing the Flash Card Reading Challenge today!

Focused Cooper Crab: For being a focused writer. Ciaran, you have been amazing at managing your distractions this week and have got all of your fantastic ideas written down on paper. It’s been lovely to see you proud of what you have achieved and focusing on one thing at a time. Well done Ciaran - I am so proud of you!


  • Details of this weeks home learning, can be found on the Weekly Home Learning page.

  • I look forward to meeting you all virtually next week for the Parent Teacher sessions. Please note that the dedicated time slots will begin automatically so please make sure you are prompt, so that we can make the most of the time we have. If you are yet to do so, please see Miss Hornby’s blog to watch the video, explaining how it all works.

  • A kind reminder that earrings must not be warn for PE, for health and safety. Please can these be removed at home on PE days (Tuesday and Friday). Thank you!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team