" The eye is always caught by light but the shadows have more to say." G Maguire

We lost Monday this week but I think the little break was good for our brains because everyone was certainly on it!!

We are exploring science- fiction writing in English which is such fun- aliens, spaceships and robots! We will be moving onto writing some Sci-Fi over the next two weeks - letting our imaginations fly! In maths we are persevering with fractions and those perimeters have been well and truly examined! Science has continued to feature large as we explored how the movement of the Earth affects the length and position of our shadows. Below you can see a selection of photos showing the class drawing around their shadows and measuring them too (all placed on a spreadsheet and line graphs created). On top of this, we have explored latitude and longitude, located countries and investigated time zones with Mrs Nel! Just to prove the other side of the world is in darkness (night) we linked-in to some global webcams- what fun!

We finished the week with a beautiful worship based on the Rosary. In RE we are exploring prayer in a little more depth - what a beautiful few lessons these will be.


The grow your brain certificates this week went to: Emma, Jacob and Faye - well done for shining so brightly- the whole class are like a constellation- it is hard to go that extra mile!


Virtual parents meetings next week - please double check your time- I’m hoping for no technical issues at my end! This will be different but very efficient- no waiting around!

We have tissues in class but the children can’t always get to them in time (sneezing). If you could provide one of those little tissue packets that will sit inside their pencil case that would be great!.

Thank you for the verruca messages - I have been informed about two children- if your child has a verruca please let me know ASAP

Have a lovely weekend

From the whole team in Year 5