Year 1 Home Learning 17.9.21

Spellings on Purple Mash

The children’s spellings this week have been set for them to practise on Purple Mash. They can find them in their ‘To Dos’. The spellings have the ay and oy diagraphs. The children will be quizzed (on paper) on five of the spellings below on Thursday, plus a bonus spelling from last week .

day play say way stay boy toy joy enjoy annoy

Vegetable Crime Scene

The children found a vegetable crime scene in class this morning. We are yet to discover who has committed these crimes against fruit and veg although we have our suspicions that something small and green is responsible. Oh no! The culprit is on the run and this weekend they are coming to your homes! The children have been challenged to create their own veggie/fruit crime scene and write from the perspective of that fruit or vegetable. For example: I am Mr Broccoli and someone has drawn on my face. I am feeling alarmed and I want to know who has committed the crime. Children should innovate the italic writing to suit their own veggie in distress.

The children should complete this in their Home Learning books. If you can take a photo of the crime scene or if your child can draw a photo, that would make it even more exciting!

Thank you so much for all of your efforts decorating the home learning books. They’re so joyful and practical, which is great!