‘Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.’

From ‘heads, shoulders, knees and toes’, to vegetable crime scenes…we’ve had a very busy and exciting week in Year One.

Well done to those children who have remembered their reading packet every day this week, it’s been lovely listening to you read. The children have all quizzed for the first time on Accelerated Reader which has been wonderful. Please can you ensure your child is reading daily at home; some children struggled with their quizzes as they had not read their book enough times to build fluency and understanding. Let’s start the year as we mean to go on and nurture that love of reading both at school and at home.

Some of the children have brought home speed sound cards to practise. Please could these be practised once a day, during their daily reading time. Extra practise of these sounds at home, will build confidence and will accelerate their reading progress. By next week, all of the children will be given tailored speed sound cards to practise at home.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been representing numbers within 10 and counting forwards and backwards too. They loved using the representation tables to show a given number in lots of different ways.

The children found a Crime Scene in English this week. More vegetables had been tormented and were not happy about it! The culprit is still at large, I hope she/he hasn’t snuck into your child’s bags and is now with you at home! Please see the Home Learning page for details on a very entertaining home learning challenge.

In RE we learned how God created the world in seven days and how everything and everyone he made is loved and unique. The children loved dancing and singing along to the song below.



Focused Cooper Crab: For being a super focused learner. Rodnie, you won’t let anything stop you from growing your brilliant brain! I’ve been so impressed with your writing this week and how neatly you have presented your work. You are a true role model to all of your class friends and make your teachers smile from ear to ear! Well done Rodnie!

Focused Cooper Crab: For managing your distractions and getting all of your learning done. Jackson, you have been such a Cooper Crab this week and have concentrated on all of your learning. It’s been wonderful to see the huge smile on your face when you finish a piece of work! Well done Jackson – just think how focused you’ll be by Year Two!


  • Next week only, all children will have PE on Monday and Thursday. Children who usually have PE on a Wednesday, should come to school in their school uniform on this day instead. Thank you!

  • Thank you so much to those of you who generously made a donation at the end of Reception. I look forward to sharing with you what has been purchased next Friday.

  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog.

God Bless and have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team