The adventure has most definitely begun…

What an absolute joy this week has been!

All the children have come in with smiles on their faces and settled into Reception wonderfully. We have been busy exploring our environment, rekindling old friendships and making lovely new ones.

We got our imaginations straight to work, using large loose parts to make seesaws, houses and cars. We planned some new ideas for our outdoor area, this week we have added a bug hotel. A caterpillar, a ladybird, a worm and a couple of slugs checked in on the first day. (We are still awaiting our first 5 Star Trip Advisor review!)

All week we have been thinking about our feelings with the help of the Colour Monster. His feelings were all mixed up and he was feeling very confused. We learnt some actions to help us remember each feeling, I am sure they’d love to show you a home. (happy, sad, calm, scared, angry and loved.)

Thank you so much for your support and patience this week, particularly at drop off and pick up times. I hope you enjoyed the pictures below, there were so many great ones to choose from.

Have a restful weekend ready for another fun filled week ahead.

Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara