and what a joy this week has been!
The children have been amazing and have quickly settled back into school life. They are being very flexible and adapting well to our new routines. Watching their happy faces and listening to their excited chatter has been a real treat! We are really looking forward to the rest of the year and all of the wonderful experiences and learning that it will bring.
Can I also say a big “Thank you” to all of you - you have made coming in to school and going home run really smoothly and we really appreciate this in school. Thank you also for all of the emails that you have sent to both Miss Edmondson and myself giving your consent for your child’s photos to go on the class web page. If you have not yet sent us an email, please could you do this as soon as possible - we are sorry that we have not been able to put all of the child’s photos on the website this week but hope that you will email us your consent before next week so that we can share photos of all of our lovely work.
Please email both myself and Miss Edmondson:
We have been very busy this week and really tried hard in all of our lessons so far. Well done children! We can’t believe how fast the time has gone.
The children have all chosen a reading book from our classroom library and taken them home to read (please make sure that these are returned each day—any books that need to be changed will be quarantined before being sent home with another child.) Next week we will be sharing new ZPDs with the children, so until then the children are just choosing books which they like the look of.
We have completed lots of RHE work this week, thinking about ourselves and our feelings and knowing that we are all special and loved. We have thought about our own talents and shared things that we think others are good at too.
At the end of each day, we have done the daily Examen and reflected on our day. We have thought about the things that have happened throughout the day and also whether they have been things that have made us and others happy or whether they have been things that we are sorry that we have done because they have hurt ourselves or others. We have also shared our gratitude for the things that have happened each day. We have also thought about what it means to be generous and how we can be generous towards others.
We have started on our maths topic of “Numbers to 1000” and started looking at counting in 100s and building numbers to 1000 using 100s, 10s and 1s.
On Wednesday the children listened so carefully to different pieces of music during their music lesson and really impressed Miss Mallinson and myself with their focus and knowledge. Well done everyone!
This week it has been very hard to have to choose just two children to receive our certificates but I am delighted to say that we have decided to give the certificates to Harvey and Iris. Harvey receives a Bobby Bee certificate for being so enthusiastic and excited about being back at school and about all of his work at school. What a fabulous start to the year Harvey - we know that you will try to keep this up throughout the year. Iris also receives a Bobby Bee certificate for her enthusiasm and positive attitude this week. You have smiled so much and enjoyed everything about school this week Iris - you have really made all of us smile too!. What super role models you have both been this week. Well done!
Please make sure that you look at the home learning page for this week’s home learning. Home learning will be posted on the website and should be sent back to school by the following Thursday. Many thanks.
Please make sure that you have watched the induction video (posted last Friday) on the class web page so that you are aware of procedures and important things to be aware of in Year 3.
Please could you also ensure that you have sent the “Who is picking up?” sheet back to school.
Please make sure that your child has a named water bottle in school each day so that they can keep hydrated.
Thank you for all your support and co-operation this week. Together we have made it a great success!
Just before you go … take a look at the photos of the things that we have been doing this week.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend and a well deserved rest after such a busy week!
Take care and stay safe
The Year 3 Team Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Mather.