With Heart Felt Thanks!!!

It was always going to be tricky - returning to school after such a long time and in such circumstances. I cannot thank you all enough for co-operating with all the new routines. All the children have settled into class and they have been a joy to teach. They have begun to reestablish their friendships and because we are together all day it as given the class the opportunity to really bond. It has been a joy to see them all running and laughing on the playground like all carefree children should be able to do.

In class we have completed our RHE lessons on self belief and we reflected too on our time away. We have asked questions about the corona virus and we have begun to recognise the things we can control and the things we can’t. We have also launched ourselves into the maths and history curriculum (we loved the history!!). Everyone has also completed a maths assessment and their Star Reader test and I’ve been able to share their new ZPD’s with them, although I haven’t reached everyone yet.

Thank you for your emails - they have been great - I will endeavor to reply as soon as possible, although I will be away at weekends with my family.

I am very hopeful that next week will run smothly to and the learning will continue to inspire!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Hotchkiss


3 flutes outstanding - please send in

PE Wednesday and Friday