Year 6 - 'The joy of living is the gratitude of the moment.'

As I opened the gates on Tuesday morning, I think we all had a little apprehension about what school would now be like and how the children would settle back in again after time at home. By 9.05am, that apprehension had completely vanished and from that moment, Year 6 have been just wonderful. I have loved getting to know the children this week and to learn all about them and their thoughts about different things.

The Year 6 classroom is a classroom of honesty, trust and acceptance of everything and everyone. I have been really impressed with how the children are speaking with such depth and wisdom, I know that we are in for a cracking year together. I spoke about the year on my induction video and how the children would have to have real vision and creativity for how they wanted the world to be and how they wanted to lead this year. On Wednesday, the children started to write their letters of application for the leadership positions that they want. There are lots of really passionate children in this class. I think Miss Hornby will have a really tricky job choosing the positions. We have also cracked straight on with Year 6 maths this week. Revisiting some concepts that were taught last year and building on key calculations ready for this year!

Actually, when thinking about it, we have already completed so much! Our first geography topic is South America, which continues the learning the children completed on North America last year. After a little bit of prompting, the children started to recall what they could remember from Year 5 ready to transfer. We have also started a new novel called, Can you see me? It is about a little girl with autism who is starting high school. We are really required as a class, to really think beyond ourselves and to consider the thoughts of everyone who we meet. Do we really know what they are thinking?

RHE - Self-efficacy and Hope

This week was the perfect week to start our new relationships and health education curriculum. Self-belief is something that is an absolute essential part of life in Year 6, we all have to believe that we can. We have celebrated that we all have skills and strengths that can make our community stronger, together as a team, we will be a force to be reckoned with this year. There was a lovely moment in class today where we read out the names of all the children and all of the other children filled them with positive affirmations - what was brilliant about that child. It really was a special moment!


  • House captain presentations need to be in by Monday. Email films and presentations to me.

  • Please check your email for medical form. If you haven’t received an email, let me know.

Have a lovely weekend with your family. My little boy is 3 this weekend so it will be a weekend full of finding batteries for toys and cake!

I look forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster