"Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine"

What another jam packed week it has been! I have continued to be blown away by the amount of work produced by both the children in and out of school. Once again, thank you for all of the lovely photographs and keeping me up to date with all of the learning and progress at home. Don’t forget to send photographs of the children in the pictures too - I can then pop these on here for our friends to see what we have all been up to.
Next week we will be using Purple Mash a little more to submit our work. Therefore, parents won’t need to send as many photographs of completed work and I can mark it properly. Please ensure that you have completed the Purple Mash challenge that I have set for you today - you will need to practise this before next week.

We are all now fully immersed in our focus story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’, and already you are producing some super pieces of writing. Some of the vocabulary you have been picking out has been fantastic - I know that we have learnt lots of new words here in school and I’m sure those at home have too!

The maths work you have been completing has been AMAZING. Multiplication is a new skill and yet you have completely thrown yourselves in and have grown those brains. Keep using those stem sentences to help you Year 2 - this will make drawing those representations and writing those number sentences a little easier.

You all worked ever so hard on your Jairus’ daughter work in RE and I loved reading your final verses of the poem.

Here are a few snapshots of this week’s learning, both at home and in school.

Keep going Year 2 - I can almost feel your brains bulging from here!

Let’s Celebrate

Arthur, I can’t quite believe the amount of work you have been completing at home, and to such a high standard too!  You have clearly been watching the learning videos very carefully and have been putting your all into every task.  Learning from home certainly isn’t an easy task Arthur, but you have been such a determined learner and kept working through all of the challenges you have been faced with.  I am so proud of you! 

You have been such a focused Cooper Crab in school this week Michael!  Learning with only some of our class team can sometimes be difficult, but you have remained so focused and positive and have kept going and going.  You have shown this week that even the trickiest of challenges can be completed with focus, determination and enthusiasm!  Keep it up Michael – you are working so hard!


Next week, I am hoping to organise something where the children working in school and at home can see each other. Mrs Lavelle and Mrs Gregan are both having a go at a short Zoom meeting, so we’ll see how they go and then I’ll get back to you …. watch this space!

For those in school, PE will still take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that you are wrapped up warm every day, even on non PE days, as the classroom can get very cold with the doors open.

Please could you also ensure that your child has an old t shirt with them for Art. Many of the children have these in school already, but I think some children had taken them home over the Christmas holidays.

During these difficult and challenging times, school wishes to support all families. Time away from work including school work is needed. Because of this we will not be setting homework during this time. Family time is precious, walking, eating, praying and playing together vital. Please continue to make reading a pleasurable pastime- a time to snuggle up together and go to other worlds!

Have a restful weekend!
God Bless
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team