Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day

This week has definitely been a lot calmer here in school, hopefully at home you are getting into a routine as a family with all the things you are juggling. We think you are all doing a fantastic job, the beaming smiles on the pictures and videos you are sending us say it all!

We thought about who we are missing at the moment and talked about what we will do together when we see them next! There are some examples below.

The Zoom call this morning was so fun we were so excited to see everyone, thank you all for you patience and being so good with the mute and unmute button!

We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.

All our hard work in RWI lessons is definitely paying off our confidence with writing is growing rapidly, we are seeing some lovely examples from home and plenty of independent writing in school. In English we have finished the week by creating our own story maps of our own train ride. Miss Lavelle is looking forward to watching all the videos you have sent in today of you telling your own story, we will share them with you in next week’s blog! In Maths we have been counting, counting, counting, adding one more and comparing two groups. We have been very impressed with how confident the children are becoming with this!

The pictures below celebrate learning from home and school this week.


Let’s Celebrate

Ava is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being so enthusiastic and working hard with all our learning challenges this week. Your pictures from home have been a joy to look through! Well done Ava!

Alana is a Brave Tommy Turtle - For being so enthusiastic this week especially during phonics activities. We are so impressed you are having a go, even when you find the challenge tricky at first. Well done Alana!

Important Notices

PURPLE MASH - Next week some activities will need to be completed via Purple Mash, if you need a reminder of your login please let me know as soon as possible.

EMAILS - It has been so lovely to receive all your emails throughout the week. In order for it to be manageable in between teaching and preparing remote learning, please can you keep each email on the same thread rather than sending a new email each day. I will reply to you once a week, if your email is about anything other than remote learning I will reply to them as usual as quickly as possible. Please keep sending the pictures and videos as I do look at them everyday and we share them with the children in school.

ZOOM - Zoom calls next week will take place on Monday (18th) and Wednesday (20th) both at 11am. We would love to see the children if you are available. I will be in touch via email with the meeting information.

s.lavelle@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk - Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or pictures and videos.

and Finally….

It has been a strange few weeks for us all, but hopefully this video will give you a laugh and reassure you we are all just muddling through, one day at at time…keep going!

Have a relaxing weekend!

The Reception Team