‘Just putting a smile on your face, will make the world a better place.’

From Sock Monsters to weather reports, this week has been jam packed with learning. Whether you have been learning remotely or in school, one thing is for certain, a lot of learning has been happening. The quality of the children’s work this week has been exceptional. This week has proven how much the children care about their learning; their work has been neatly presented and bursting with enthusiasm

I couldn’t believe it on Monday morning, my Purple Mash was pinging away, even before 9am! I had amazing Gruffalo writing popping up all morning and nearly everyone had completed the learning by lunchtime! A big clap to the wonderful remote learners for all of their amazing learning this week and a huge thank you to your wonderful families at home, who have supported you.

There have been less children in class this week and I know that the children at school, are really missing their class friends. I know this is the same for those children at home too. We spent some time today looking at photos of the learners, who have been learning remotely. They loved seeing each other’s monsters and celebrated their hard work from afar. Thank you to those families who have made arrangements so that they can keep their children at home. If your circumstances change and you are able to have your child at home, please do get in touch.

Thank you to all of you who have been sending your children’s photos to Mrs Kaur. As always, please continue to email learning and questions, to myself and any general photos to Mrs Kaur. Children, I hope you enjoy looking at your class friends below. Look at all those happy faces!

How have we grown our brains this week?

In English this week the children have been writing Monster Posters, for their very own monsters. I was so impressed with the children’s creativity and unique ideas. I have loved marking the remote learners posters this morning, be sure to check out my feedback on Purple Mash.

In Maths the children have been doing loads of tens and ones practise. This is a concept that needs to be continually revisited, so please do keep asking your child how many tens and ones are in a given number.


Star of the Day

Each day I pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Daisy, Tommy, Finley, Seth and Hudson.


Remote Learner - Enthusiastic Bobby Bee. For buzzing with enthusiasm for your learning. Ciaran, you have been such a busy bee this week! All of your work has been amazing and bursting with ideas. Your poster about Stripy the monster, was incredible! I love how you wrote ‘red sparkly hands’…WOW! I am so proud of you Ciaran! Missing you lots.

Ciaran don’t worry if you can’t print your certificate out. I have put a copy of your certificate in your tray for you. We also did a big clap in class for you!

School Learner - Resilient Sadie Spider For not giving up, even when the ipad wasn’t working. Teddy your monster poster was wonderful. I am so glad you wanted to keep trying, even when the ipad wouldn’t record your amazing sentences. I loved listening to your monster description, especially the part about him chatting to his other head! Hip-hip hooray Teddy!


  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday.

  • Mrs Curtis has kindly asked if children could bring in a ‘big old t-shirt’ to keep their uniforms clean, during Art lessons. Please could children have these labelled and in a plastic bag. Please could your child bring this in, if they are in school on Wednesday/Thursday.

  • During these difficult and challenging times, school wishes to support all families. Time away from work including school work is needed. Because of this we will not be setting homework during this time. Family time is precious, walking, eating, praying and playing together vital. Please continue to make reading a pleasurable pastime- a time to snuggle up together and go to other worlds!

God bless and take care,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell