"You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved" anon

Dear Year 5 children and lovely parents,

Mrs Harrison and I would like to say a massive well done to everyone. We have more teachers involved too. Mrs Nel is marking from home, we have our young Ms Coupe who is our student teacher and the lovely Mrs Russell who is a new TA working in Year 5 alongside Mrs Harrison - welcome!

There has been lots of excellent learning both at school and at home. Firstly Mrs Harrison would like to say:

“We have had a great week in school. All the children have worked together and have focused extremely well in class. We are continuing to talk about how we can keep each other safe and look after our friends in these strange times, being kind and supporting one another as much as we can. This has been a lovely link to our RE work on the beatitudes and how we strive to live up to these blessings that God has sent us. We have loved the maths challenges this week, learning all the new vocabulary and have been consistently practising our multiplications to get quicker at finding those factors!  

This week in school Lily Anderson was awarded the class certificate for being such a lovely class member, listening to all the learning with keen interest and being so enthusiastic to complete her work without getting distracted and being so focused. She is such a pleasure to teach!”

Well done Lilly! It is almost impossible for Mrs Hotchkiss to choose a learner at home I have received such fantastic work! But I have to name someone (two). I have to award two certificates. A creative Kiwi Cameleon goes to Mark, and a focused Kuba Crab goes to Victor!!! Well done all!

I cannot agree more with Mrs Harrison when she spoke above about the beatitudes (extreme blessings). Jesus tells us about the power we have inside ourselves to reach out to others in any circumstance. Here we find ourselves apart but together as we continue to learn as a class family, we are blessed.


  • You will notice on the daily blog I have included the weekly timetable (Monday) and the daily morning boards this allows me to bring the children together.

  • Could all children attending school (part time and full time) please bring a pair of earphones/headphones. These must be quarantined in class and then left in class. Please bring in a bag/case (if possible).

  • Next week we will be having a zoom class council. Please look out for emails with details and protocols.

Finally thank you for the communication via email especially the children (Purple Mash 2Email). I’m having ongoing conversations about the work, the feedback and just happy hellos!! Below I have posted a gallery of some of the images I have been sent! Can you spot Meadows new puppy????

God Bless

Mrs H xxx