This week....

Another week full of ‘finding out! We have continued with our learning thread about polar regions and the animals which have made such conditions their home. This has led us to explore new themes such hibernation, camouflage and nocturnal animals. Wow, have we been busy!

Click here to watch a fabulous video about camouflage, the children loved it. They have even learnt some of the animal names.

We have continued to find out about liquids and solids. We even made some ice globes and recreated the Arctic and Antarctic using ice cubes. We compared our winter months to the weather at the ‘poles’ and decided it was cold but not that cold! Next week we hope to make snow!!! We can’t wait!

We read the story Winnie in Winter. Click here to listen.

The children have enjoyed ‘number 4’ activities, it seems to be a favourite, mmmm I’m not sure why? We have counted ice cubes, collected objects to four and had a peek in our number 4 bag. There’s so much to learn.

I have put some photos together to show everything we have been doing at nursery.

Later in the week the children made bird feeders, we thought the birds would get hungry during the winter! We used bird seed and fat.

You may want to take part in the RSPB Garden watch. Click here to get involved and to find out more!

I’m sure you will agree we have been very busy! Over the coming two weeks we will be exploring wild animals and their habitats. Watch this space!

Whilst I have your attention, can I remind everyone to wear masks when dropping off and collecting your children. We really do want everyone to remain safe and well.

Also, can you make sure that your send your child to nursery in warm clothing. As nursery windows and garden door is left open for ventilation, it can get chilly. I would suggest layered clothing (vest, t-shirt, jumper/hoodies/ fleece), then if it gets too hot the children can remove and item of clothing (please make sure that all items are clearly named).

I would like to finish on a happy note. As you are aware Sarah has not been at nursery for a few weeks and we are all missing her a lot, but I am very pleased to tell you that she is fine and well and expecting a baby in the spring. Everyone is thrilled, but at the moment it means she is unable to come to nursery. I would also like to share the news that Paige has joined the nursery team whilst Sarah is off. She will be taking over Sarah’s key person group alongside Barbara. Please introduce yourself and ‘hello’ when you meet at the gate.

Finally, have a lovely weekend. Enjoy and treasure these (enforced) quiet times together and make some fabulous memories that will last a lifetime.
