Art News… Lockdown… Week Two…Remote and School Learning
As we are again settling into our ‘new’, new normal, we are overcoming our challenges at school and at home. Together we will win!
In Art…
Reception remote learners have been loving their first art activity as I asked them to gather items from around their home in their favourite colour. It has been lovely matching faces to names.
Year one remote learners made sculptures from anything they have a home, manmade or natural, this has seen a lot of Lego and loo roll tubes and fantastic imaginations. School learners got to wear their art shirts as we started messy art. Using clay we had to roll, squeeze, pinch and poke in response to the story of ‘Henry the Pebble’.
Year two remote learners had to create a sail boat. This could either be drawn, painted, collaged or a 3D model, we had a lovely selection of them all. School learners made rubbings on paper with objects around the Create room as it was pouring down outside. We then chose our favourite and tried that rubbing on fabric to see if it was any different.
Year three remote learners created lovely family portraits, these were so good, I could see who everyone was, great job year three. School learners used acetate and paint to create interesting prints. We used a lolly stick to scape away some of the paint and transfer the image to paper. A little messy, but worth it.
Year four remote learners had a large pair of shoes on a blank paper, who would wear these shoes? They made a character worthy of such shoes. School learners started making their slippers, these are a piece of art and not a wearable item. We created the sole and covered it in felt. Next week we move onto the toe covering.
Year five remote learners had to make a half and half self portrait. Half of the face to be as realistic as possible the other half to show items that make them, them. School learners made the skeleton of their Alberto Giacometti inspired statue. Bending and shaping the wire and securing with masking tape. Next week we add the muscle.
Year six remote learners were asked to create a Picasso inspired portrait of themselves, either drawn, painted or collaged. School learners got messy with clay as they created their own version of Henry Moore’s sculpture ‘Mother and Child’ or ‘Reclining Woman’.
Don’t forget to send me your remote learning to then I can add you to the work already posted and we can all celebrate like we would do in class.
All remote learning will be accessible by Monday afternoon at the latest.
It’s going to be a chilly weekend, so stay safe and keep warm, let’s do this again next week.
God bless
Mrs Curtis