Even though many of us have been apart this this week, there has been a great sense of togetherness through our shared Class blogs on Purple Mash! I think we have all loved sharing thoughts with each other this week and children, you have responded to each other with respect and interest! From deciding whether children should wear school uniforms, to deciding which is best out of cats or dogs - you have made fantastic arguments and have dived into this new experience with gusto! I know Miss Forster and Mrs Mather have loved keeping in contact with you through blogging this week and I’m sure you will agree they have helped you with any problems too!
Whether remote learning or home learning, the standard and amount of work has been phenomenal this week. We have learned the language of persuasion and wrote some amazing letters in English this week. Watch out parents - they can work their powers of persuasion on you even more now!
We have covered some important multiplication and division skills in maths. Children have researched Judaism and produced lovely slideshows showing what they have learned. You are all becoming so skilled at using the computer or tablet to communicate your learning - I know there have been some teething problems with some of the maths sheets - but everyone has given it their all. I will be making them simpler to fill in next week!
You have also asked your teachers and classmates for help on our blog. We have all given advice and pulled together.
This week has also seen the launch of our Egyptian topic - which I know in school we are loving so far. I hope you are at home too! It is such a vibrant period of history!
Thank you so much for the effort and sheer hard work you are all putting in, both children and parents.
Let’s Celebrate!
Our school learner of the week goes to Kiefer. You are receiving a Clara Clownfish certificate for the links you make and the way you consider the best approach in your learning. Your letter was fantastic and you listen to every word said! Well done young man.
It was really difficult to award the home learner certificate this week because you have been so fantastic!!!
Our home learner this week goes to Jack for having a go at everything set. Also for improving your work after you have received teacher feedback - so you get a double whammy Tommy Turtle/Lizzie Ladybird certificate!! I will send your certificate to you!
School learners!
There are some changes to your PE days from now onwards - we have needed to jiggle things about to accomodate all classes.
PE in school is now on a Monday and a Thursday.
Recorder lessons in school are now on a Thursday.
Home learners - you will continue to do this on a Monday.
It is so comforting in this time of hardship to feel part of our wonderful school community. Although we miss seeing each other, we are all pulling together helping those beautiful children continue to grow and thrive - thank you.
Have a restful weekend everyone, God bless and keep safe
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Forster