Year 6 Blog - 'There is no power greater than a community caring about each other.'

And what a community we have got, what a class family we have. All week, I have such a smile on my face because of the beautiful work that is being produced by all of the children. It doesn’t matter where the children are learning, they are constantly responding to feedback, trying their hardest and producing some outstanding work. I am incredibly proud! This is a true sign of what the children are capable of and what wonderful human beings they are becoming - to be able to do this independently is amazing. Please enjoy a selection of photographs and work from this week. At a time when hearts are a little lower, mine is full and I am sure that this video will warm your hearts too. It was so special to spend time together this morning and reflect and celebrate with each other. We will do this every Friday morning at 9.15am. Thank you children for putting a huge smile on my face.

“We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

I have loved how learning has continued throughout the week and has still challenged every single one of the children. In English, we have read Clockwork as a class and have met some interesting and sinister characters. All of the children are contributing to the blog on the novel and agreeing and challenging each other. Next week we will be comparing some of these characters to others that we may have previously come across. Maths has been tricky and I have such admiration for the children and their resilience. Fractions is hard enough to understand in school, so hats off to my home learners who are continuing to have a go at home. Please tell the children not to panic if they do not understand something straight away, I will continue to go over it and I will definitely be revisiting at school when we all come back together. I have loved the discussions in class about the different counties in England for our geography topic and seeing the posters that have been created - you may have spotted some in our learning video. We really do live in a beautiful country, even if it has been a little wet and windy this week. And in RE, we looked at the covenant that Jesus made with us all at the Last Supper. Now more than ever, we really do need to love one another.

Next week we will be adding and subtracting fractions, continuing to read Clockwork, finding out about the mountain ranges of the UK and more about the towns and cities within the counties that we looked at.

With so much wonderful learning going on - choosing individual learners is tricky. I gave a lot of shout outs during our meeting this morning for outstanding work and listening to the teaching. But…

Our Learners of the Week are…

Lila, your home learning this week has been full of determination and hard work. You have constantly worked hard to understand the tricky concepts and you have asked if you do not understand something. I am really proud of your resilience and determination. You are capable of great things! I have your certificate ready for you in school.

Alice, in school you have become so independent and you have trusted in your own ability. Some wonderful maths and english this week. You have contributed with such reflection to our class novel. Thank you for recognising that life in school is a little frantic at the moment and for doing all that you can to help.

Have a wonderful and restful weekend with your families. Thank you for being so supportive and for enabling your children to be the best that they can be.

God bless and stay safe

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster