Good morning Reception
Hopefully your getting into the swing of our new timetable now. Have a lovely day and send me pictures!
Here are the responses to our Wooclap question yesterday…’What did you enjoy doing most today?’ A surprising popular answer!
The QR code below will take you to today’s question. (It’s the same as yesterday!)
If the box is purple, it means there is a video for this activity at the bottom of the blog. I have also added a table to show the things you will need if you choose certain activities throughout the week.
It’s time to learn a new sound - ‘ou’ watch ‘Set 2 Speed Sounds with Rosie’ today
Please note that today’s videos are only available at 9:30am
If you are having issues with the links, I think this might be the reason! Please watch the video above and login directly to the website to get access to the correct book.