Today we are completing 2 more main paragraphs and then our little summary paragraph to finish our letter.
Multiplying larger 2 digit numbers. Year 4, it is really important that you are not just writing the answers down as some of you did yesterday. You need to practise the methods that I teach you so that you will be ready for year 5. Please watch the video carefully so you know exactly what to do.
RE - Jesus teaches us about heaven.
PE - This week can you invent your own Hiit session?
Hiit stands for High Intensity Training.
This means you need to pick exercises that will really get your heart beating fast.
You should do them for 30 seconds and then have a 30 second rest before going onto your next exercise.
Choose some good music - and off you go!
Put your favourite move on our class blog - ‘Moves’ and we may do it tomorrow in our class council ZOOM meeting!
There may already be some good moves on there from other children which you can pinch for your Hiit today!