Here is a timetable of the week’s learning for any children absent from school due to Covid. Any resources needed will be sent through to you via email.
Year 4 remote learning for week beginning Tuesday 4th January
Year 4 Remote Learning Friday 5th March
English - Practise your writing skills ready for Monday. Put a picture of these in purple mash
Practise your understanding of area today with units X8 and X9. All straightforward.
Class Council ZOOM 11.30 am The Marsden Quiz is on!
Have a pen and paper ready. Marsden will ask everybody their questions. All can take part!
Year 4 Remote Learning Thursday 4th March
Enjoy some more of these stories for yourselves today! I cannot wait to talk to you about all these stories on Monday and see which ones you liked the best! You also need to make a book of your favourite one.
L4 Area today - go for it! THere is a small Purpl Mash task to do too.
RE - Jesus teaches us. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.
Small purple mash task to do.
Why not transform a wooden spoon or a potato into your favourite book character? I would love to see your creations. Here are some examples below
Year 4 Remote Learning Wednesday 3rd March
Let’s read two more Brer Rabbit stories together. What a rascal rabbit!
Today we are on unit 14 - adding the suffix ‘ion’ but this time to verbs ending in se and d like ‘extend’ and ‘revise’
Click this button below to watch it.
Then complete your sheets in the normal way. Take a photo and pop in Purple mash.
Today I want you to do the imoves Washing Hands
Login at using your class ID: 69328 & password: Leaf
Art Go to the Art page and see what Mrs Curtis has set this week.
Year 4 Remote Learning Tuesday 2nd March
Today we will be reading another Brer Rabbit story and also we will be starting to think about the Deep South dialect - how the characters talk to each other.
I want you to complete the lesson and the sheet below. Then complete IXL units X5 X6 and X7
For today’s geography, I would love you to make your own erupting volcano. I have put some links below which show different ways you can do this. Don’t worry if you need to take all week to do this.
Today, I want you to improve your computer animation skills by adding background and sounds too! You can watch my video below and also watch some of the purple mash help videos. . I would like you to create an animation of a scene from one of the Brer Rabbit stories we have read so far!
I would then like you to add to our class displayboard Brer Rabbit animations.
We can then watch each other’s and comment on them on the shared blog I have created called Brer Rabbit animations
Year 4 Remote Learning Monday 1st March
Very exciting! Today we are going to start our story unit all about Folk Tales. We will be immersing ourselves in Brer Rabbit stories all week. You will LOVE this character and these stories - they are very different from the novels we have studied so far in Year 4 - a LOT of fun!
Let’s think about Area today!
We will learn about the features of a volcano today and then I want you do do a lovely annotated, coloured diagram of a volcano - task 1 - take photo and put in PM. I have set you a portrait and alandscape document - you only need to use one depending on which way you draw it.
There is also a Purple Mash Art task to paint a volcano - task 2.
Go on Charanga and complete your lesson from Mrs Maddocks. I have put a link to the Charanga site on our help section if you need it.
Year 4 Remote Learning Friday 26th February
English - The final 2 chapters of the Butterfly Lion today. Make sure you take an Accelerated reader quiz and complete the task set in Purple Mash
Have a go at these Correspondence problems today. I have put the sheets underneath and you can do the questions alongside the video. You will be marking them yourself as you go along.
Class Council ZOOM 11.30 am The Harcourt Quiz is on!
Have a pen and paper ready. Harcourt will ask everybody their questions. All can take part!
Year 4 Remote Learning Thursday 25th February
All will be revealed today! Let’s read ‘The Butterfly Lion.’
Practising solving multiplication and division problems in IXL today. Have your maths book handy to do your working outs in. You will need formal methods for some of them and some you will be able to do mentally. Units: H9 H11 L5 & L7
RE - Jesus teaches us. The Parable of the Sower.
PE - Look at the timetable video above for information about Sprint starts!
Year 4 Remote Learning Wednesday 24th February
Let’s enjoy the next chapter and practise our reading skills
Today we are on unit 13 - adding the suffix ‘ion’
We can now access the spelling zone video so Mrs Lyons does not need to be an alien today! Click this button below to watch it.
Then complete your sheets in the normal way. Take a phot and pop in Purple mash.
Today I want you to do the imoves Mountain Bike challenge 1.
Login at using your class ID: 69328 & password: Leaf
Art Go to the Art page and see what Mrs Curtis has set this week.
Year 4 Remote Learning Tuesday 23rd February
Today we will be reading more of the Butterfly Lion and answering some questions. We are thinking about whether the answers are stated - told or implied - you have to figure it out.
We are using our division skills today to solve problems where we will have to round up or down. You will enjoy this. Do the examples with me so you will be great at the few I have set you on your own.
Here are yesterday’s answers explained:
I have not made a video for this task. I want you to find out more about these well-known volcanoes. Use the fact cards about volcanoes below to find the answers to the questions set in Purple mash 2do Geography Lesson 2.
We are going to learn how to animate! It is such fun! An animation is a process where we see pictures move. The button below shows you how to make a moving picture flipbook if you want! Post it note pads are good to use.
Then watch my video to see how you can use the animation tool in Purple Mash. We will be using this all term. I have set you a 2do today.
Here are some more animations that might interest you!
Year 4 Remote Learning Monday 22nd February
I want you to enter this library competition today. Design a sweet invention for a book character!
Practising some methods we have learned with a bit of an extension! Do your best, be brave, be resilient and see what you can figure out.
Let’s learn about Volcanoes! Where do you think Mrs Lyons is in the picture?
You have the option to print these out below and complete - then take phot and add to Purple Mash 2do set. Alternatively, you can complete it straight in Purple Mash as a document. Open your 2dos to see.
Go on Charanga and complete your lesson from Mrs Maddocks. I have put a link to the Charanga site on our help section if you need it.
Year 4 Remote Learning Friday 12th February
Here are some Spring flowers for you Year 4 to say well done for getting through a whole half term of online learning! What stars you are!
I thought you could do this today or finish it over the holidays. Enjoy!
PE Why not have a go at this for PE - it looks like fun!
Go for it! You have come so far in your understanding of division and multiplication!
Class Council ZOOM 11.30 am The Bamber Quiz is on!
Have a pen and paper ready. Bamber will ask everybody their questions. All can take part!
Also - what has been the highlight of your week this week?
Year 4 Remote Learning Thursday 11th February
A lovely return to The Butterfly Lion today. Let’s see what happens next.
Dividing larger numbers with remainders. Don’t forget to BELIEVE YOU CAN Bobby Bees!
RE - All about Lent. What is it? When does it start? What will I do?
This Lent, we will think of little acts of kindness that we can do for the people around us during lockdown. This will help us grow closer to God and give love to all the people we can.
First watch the short You Tube clip below
Dear parents - here are some beautiful ideas for Lent at home - sent from the diocese. I like the prayer paper chains idea and the jar of good deeds and the colour in calendar.
Why not use some of these ideas to personalise Lent in your own home?
PE - imoves DISCO!
Login at using your class ID: 69328 & password: Leaf
Year 4 Remote Learning Wednesday 10th February
Today we are going to learn all about what the Ancient Egyptians did with their dead.
For the activity in the video, you will need:
toilet paper,
something to turn into a mummy eg an action figure, doll or teddy
depending on how involved you wish to get, you could also use salt, a container and some very small pieces of paper
You will also need the flow chart below, printed out.
Part 2 - Explaining the process - writing an explanation text. You will need your completed flow chart and your explanation texts language mat from below this video. You will complete this in book form in Purple Mash - see 2do.
Sweets on the ready? Now lets learn how to find remainders when we divide!
Today I want you to do the Egyptians imoves!
Login at using your class ID: 69328 & password: Leaf
If Art is too much today - do tomorrow!
Year 4 Remote Learning Tuesday 9th February
Many of our activities today will be about staying safe online. You may have noticed that today you have received some strange emails! Do not reply to any of them YET until you have watched my video below. Here is an outline of your tasks today.
They will be explained further in the video.
Task 1 Email Simulation
Watch the video and complete the email simulation to find out what SPAM and Phishing is.
Task 2 Aimee’s email
Respond to this, thinking about what you now know about email and online safety
Task 3 Watch BBC programme at 11.00am today!
The BBC are trying to promote learning and each day they run a number of lessons and programmes on CBBC or the BBC iPlayer. At 11am today, there is a special live lesson for Online Safety Day. Make sure that you tune into watch. If you can’t tune in on the TV, I have put the link in the button attached.
Task 4 Make a Pledge - Break a Record!
This year, we are trying to break a world record by pledging.
Using what you now know about being safe online, what is YOUR pledge?
Step 1 – Visit webpage between 10am GMT 9th February and 9:30am GMT 10th February 2021 and click “Make my pledge”
Step 2 – Make your pledge Learners can add further drawings or statements to their pledge and click save. Only the first submission will be eligible, multiple pledges from the same person will not be counted as part of the attempt.
Visit Purple Mash and type up your pledge on the TO DO that I have set you.
We must continue our maths today as we are building on what we did yesterday! Watch carefully and enjoy!
Task 5 Screen Free Time
PE - A new, exciting blast of movement at
Today I want you to do the Samba!
Login at using your class ID: 69328 & password: Leaf
Here are some ideas for screen free activities today. Step away from those screens and have some fun! I would love to see pictures of you!
Year 4 Remote Learning Monday 8th February
Today we will go back and see the old lady and hear her story!
Today watch the video and complete the task - put phot in Purple Mash document set.
Dividing larger 2 digit numbers today. MAKE SURE YOU USE OUR SCHOOL METHOD otherwise I will have to set a redo! Good luck - this method makes lots of sense I promise you and will eventually enable you to do massive division sums with absolute ease!
Grammar instead of spelling today!
Go on Charanga and complete your lesson from Mrs Maddocks. I have put a link to the Charanga site on our help section if you need it.
Year 4 Remote Learning Friday 5th February
Chapter 5 and 6 today and another key reading skill to practise - justifying answers with 3 reasons why you know.
I bet you will be brilliant at this Year 4 - see if you can beat me when I do the examples! Do them at the same time in your books - with a ruler!
Class Council ZOOM and Workout!
Get your tunes on, your keep fit gear on and be ready for our Year 4 High Intensity Training session.
Also - what has been the highlight of your week? I will ask as many of you as I can in the time given
Are you ready to ZOOM? We will all be waiting in class for you and look forward to seeing you all at 11.30 - you may need to wait for a few minutes so do be patient!
Make sure you have read the guidance for this that was sent to your parents. We can’t wait!!!
Year 4 Remote Learning Thursday 4th February
Today we are completing 2 more main paragraphs and then our little summary paragraph to finish our letter.
Multiplying larger 2 digit numbers. Year 4, it is really important that you are not just writing the answers down as some of you did yesterday. You need to practise the methods that I teach you so that you will be ready for year 5. Please watch the video carefully so you know exactly what to do.
RE - Jesus teaches us about heaven.
PE - This week can you invent your own Hiit session?
Hiit stands for High Intensity Training.
This means you need to pick exercises that will really get your heart beating fast.
You should do them for 30 seconds and then have a 30 second rest before going onto your next exercise.
Choose some good music - and off you go!
Put your favourite move on our class blog - ‘Moves’ and we may do it tomorrow in our class council ZOOM meeting!
There may already be some good moves on there from other children which you can pinch for your Hiit today!
Year 4 Remote Learning Wednesday 3rd February
Let’s find out whose side you are on! We will be starting to write/type our persuasive letter today. Be a Year 4 writer and choose your words, phrases and sentence starts carefully.
Today we are going to learn a formal written method for multiplication! Please can I ask parents that we do not teach them the shortened version of this - the way we were taught at school! This will come - but it is definitely best left until Year 5 when children will be super confident with what is happening to the numbers by then.
History. Ancient Egypt
Watch the videos below to make an amazing discovery!!!!!!
Please look at Mrs Curtis’s art page for Year 4 to find out what exciting art activity to do today! Don’t forget to send Mrs Curtis pictures!