This week....

Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who have emailed me with kind words, understanding and concern for our nursery community. I am hopeful that if we have no other reported cases we will be safe to reopen on Tuesday. I would however like to reiterate that if anyone develops symptoms of Covid that they book a test straight away and inform me as soon as possible. A positive case could push back our opening.

In the meanwhile, I have lots of activities that you can be doing at home! We are continuing with our exploration of animals and have moved on to ‘wild animals’, although the children are reluctant to let go of our ice experiments. This week we had to make more ice globes and we even made snow. Check out the photos below!

To kick start our new learning we watched a video all about animal sounds. Click here to watch at home. The children were very good at recognising the sounds, but were caught out with a few!

Click here to play a Letters and Sounds animal noises game.

We then all chose our favourite animal for us to discuss. We found out if they were herbivores, carnivores or omnivores; we loved those words. We even remembered that dinosaurs could also be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. That meant we had to make a dinosaur world as well as a safari/rainforest for the wild animals. We had lots to do!

Later in the day we all danced the Animal Bop! Have a go at home, it’s really good exercise!! Click here.

If you click on the button below you will find more information about physical movement whilst at home.

Still eager to find out more about animals we set up our Noah’s Ark and read the story. We put all the animals in pairs to enter the ark. Click here to listen to Noah’s story.

We noticed that some animals have different patterns on their fur and some animals had no fur at all; some had scales, feathers or hard, hard skin. We decided to paint animal patterns and to make animal pictures. by cutting out shapes using animal print tissue and googly eyes. They look fab! We are going to make a display of them all.

We also looked at the ‘big cats’ and their fur patterns. We used a programme on Purple Mash to create a picture. I have set it ‘to do’ at home, so you may be receiving notification (if I have done it correctly!)

It’s hard to believe what we have achieved in only four days. Why not test your child’s knowledge with the following quizzes.

Click here for the ‘guess the wild animal’ with David Attenborough and as we have been reading lots of books with animals in them why not complete this ‘animals in books quiz’; click here.

We are continuing with our exploration of number 4 (and1, 2 and 3), so click here for ‘make and play’ number blocks. It would be great of you could concentrate on the numbers 1-4.

A big thank you to everyone who has completed their home learning challenge that was sent home this week. The pictures and videos of you cutting and them playing your matching pairs game were fabulous. Remember to keep practicing your cutting skills and to watch our for next weeks challenge!

If you want to continue finding out about animals click here. There are facts to explore, games to play and even more quizzes to do. Who knows what we can learn about! Find out lots for next week!! You could send me me some pictures, I love to see you learning!

Finally, I would just like to say, keep safe and well. I know it’s hard not being able to go out, but hopefully it will only be a few days and now you have lots to do!! If you want to access learning from previous weeks you can do so by clicking on ‘in Nursery’ at the bottom of each blog. This will open all earlier postings.

Please can you keep an eye on your emails and text messages just in case I need to contact you. If you need to contact me my laptop is on!

I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.
