Thank you for being you!!!

This week has been a tough one!! We have completed a lot of writing and that really does demand our full attention! Thank you for being sooo determined children, I am in the middle of marking them- I will send feedback as an email this time! I’m just delighted with the maths work I have received and I know Mrs Harrison and Miss coupe are really pleased with everyone’s efforts! Mrs Nel is at home enjoying marking work- sometimes the work that comes back with extra little surprises and that just makes us smile!! One of the highlights of the week was the class council. Mark, Bella and I had a little zoom meeting on Thursday to organise the meeting and I have to say it went very smoothly indeed. It was especially nice to hear the children speak of Sir Tom Moore and for them to ask to say prayers for him- very touching.

Next week we are bringing our cuddly friends that will make a class zoom of 60!!

Mrs H xxx


So much learning and so much progress - growing are brains at Our Lady’s is just what we all do - this week we have a special mention for:

Two special learners. Firstly Eli for your wonderful progress in maths. You are striding forwards with those table facts now! Secondly, Lorna Jane thank you for all your super accurate maths!

Well done to both of you!


Please keep an eye on your emails from school, many important messages coming this way.

PE will be moving to Wednesday and Thursday for those children in school. This is to allow Mrs Harrison to support Miss Coupe when she delivers the lesson.

This Thursday coming is internet safety day- so some important messages coming your way!

Please email me with any concerns at anytime I am here to help.

God Bless Mrs H xx