Year 1 Remote Learning - Wednesday 6th January

Good morning Year 1! Before we get started with today’s learning I just want to explain a few things.

Firstly, I understand that each family will be facing their own challenges in these ever changing circumstances. All I ask is that you do as much home learning each day, as you can. Please don’t worry if you get behind or if your child is not in the mindset to do a full day of learning. I have no doubt that you will all do an amazing job, supporting your children from home but please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need further support.

I will be in school, along with the year 1 team every day, teaching the children who are in school. Please know that I will get back to your emails as soon as I can and I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. Unfortunately, I will not be able to give feedback on all of the work the children do from home. I am hoping to use Purple Mash as much as possible so I can see the children’s learning and I will let you know if I want to see a photograph of a specific piece of work.

If you would like to share any photos of your children learning remotely, please email them to Mrs Kaur and we can all celebrate the wonderful learning the children have done, on the Friday blog.

What to expect:

  • Every day there will be Phonics, Maths and an English lesson. The Maths and English lessons will be taught by me (virtually) and the phonics will be taught by the amazing Read Write Inc. team, via Youtube.

  • Please ensure your children engage with the phonics lessons everyday - it is SO important. Under the phonics heading, you will see a table with the videos released daily in the yellow row. It looks a lot more complicated than it is - I promise! Your child’s name will be in the columns under the videos, that are suitably challenging for their phonic and reading level. Each video is up to 15 minutes long, so I would recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. By clicking on the table, it will take you to the Read Write Inc. Youtube channel, the videos are uploaded every day by 9.30am and last for 24 hours. If your child is finding the set 2 speed sounds/hold a sentence 1 too easy, please get them to watch set 3 sounds/hold a sentence 2. We did not do a RWI lesson yesterday and children’s confidence may have changed over the Christmas break.

  • I will create a Weekly Challenge sheet, which I will post on Mondays. Oh there, will be challenges for other subjects e.g. RE and Science. I appreciate how busy you all are and thought that providing the learning in this way, would allow more flexibility. I will start this from Monday 11th Jan, so that we can all ease ourselves into the new routine.

  • There is no need to print out any of the worksheets, although I would appreciate you writing down maths equations for example. Thank you for your help with this!




Have a wonderful day Year 1, tomorrow’s blog will be short and sweet.

Miss Lane