Reception Remote Learning - Wednesday 6th January

Good morning Reception!

Welcome to the remote learning section of the website. We understand that each family will be facing their own challenges at the moment, so please just do as much home learning as you can. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need further support. If you would like to share any photos of your children learning remotely, please do so via the same email. The Reception team will be in school every day, teaching the children who are in. I will get back to your emails as soon as I can and I thank you in advance for your patience.

What to expect:

  • Every day there will be Phonics, Maths and an English lesson. The Maths and English lessons will be taught by me (virtually) and the phonics will be taught by the amazing Read Write Inc. team, via Youtube.

  • From Monday 11th, Maths will have three different coloured challenges to do after the short video. I will email you before Monday to let you know which colour your child should be working on.

  • When writing it is very very very important you do not tell the children how to spell words, they need to use the sound they have learnt. Words should be spelt phonetically and although it may not look correct to an adult it is in line with their learning so far.

  • I will create a Weekly Challenge sheet, which I will post on Mondays. With eight challenges for other different areas of learning. I appreciate how busy you all are and thought that providing the learning in this way, would allow more flexibility. I will start this from Monday 11th Jan, so that we can all ease ourselves into the new routine.

  • The will also be a daily story told by one of the Reception team for your child to enjoy.

  • After today I will upload the remote learning the night before, so you can be prepared for the next day.


Miss Lavelle




First, please watch this Numberblocks video -
