Year 6 Remote Learning - Wednesday 27th January 2021

Good morning Year 6. Happy Wednesday! We are at the middle of the week so a day to consolidate learning and to finish our geography unit of work. How are you getting on with your screen-free time this week? Don’t forget to send me photos.

Here is our weekly overview…a little bit more detail for you for our online week.


And here is our timetable for today!

Brain breaks.PNG

At this moment in time, due to the nature of the circumstances, online learning is the only way that I can record and deliver lessons. I am aware that we are all spending time on computers and devices, much more than we usually would. This week I want to see photographs of you taking screen breaks. I have put some ideas above about what you could do…but this is important. Make sure you give yourself breaks during the day and relax your brains.

Clockwork Reading Groups

Reading groups.PNG

Today is our group discussion day.

Don’t forget to be on time for the discussion and to be ready to contribute your ideas.

Who is your favourite character? Has there been any surprises along the way? What do you think will happen next?

English - Can you write your own headlines about events that are happening to you?

Let’s look in greater detail at headlines and what they do? Can you write your own headline about an event that has happened to you at home?

English Learning Tasks - To Do on Purple Mash. There are three tasks to complete today…short ones.

  1. Match the headline to the story.

  2. What is the story about? Look at the headline and decide what the story is. Have fun with this one…be creative.

  3. Make you own headline at home…on the video I said 2 headlines, but just do one. Headline and photo needed.


First News is a children’s newspaper. I have briefly explained it in the video and then there are two issues for you to read and enjoy. Which headlines stand out to you? Collect them in your book to magpie at a later date. I have created a new blog on Purple Mash - can you share your favourite articles in the blog and explain why?

MATHS - Multiplying Fractions Consolidation

We have to know our tables really well for this next section of work….how well do you know yours?

10 minutes on TT Rockstars please to get warmed up - GO! I have emailed you with your heat map. It shows your data from Times Table Rockstars - which times tables are you finding too hot?

Task 1 - Fluency. Visit Purple Mash and complete your fluency for today.

Task 2 - IXL - L2, L6 and L8. All of these strands involve using models and multiplying fractions. You may need to jot as you go…resilience is key!

Task 3 - extension if you want some extra practise

Geography - UK Coastlines

We have all been to the beach, we are so lucky to live where we do live. Where is you favourite coastal location? Is it one that you have been on holiday to? Or is it the one where you live?

Task 1 (see video 1) - Based on your favourite beach, today you will be writing a postcard from that location. This is an INFORMAL piece of writing so it should be chatty. Don’t forget to hook the reader in through questions. A postcard needs to give information about what you have been up to, where you have been and what you have seen. Keep it entertaining!

Task 2 (see video 2) - As this is our last geography lesson from this unit, I would like to know what you have learnt. I have set you a 2Connect where you can make a mind map of all of the learning that you have gathered. Think deeply, don’t just put labels of places.


Here is your yoga lesson for today…