Year 6 Remote Learning - Tuesday 12th January 2021

Good morning everybody. After a wet and drizzly day yesterday, let’s hope it is a little brighter today. Enjoy today’s learning from home. Your work yesterday was fantastic…keep it up!

Finally, please send me photographs of you working at home so that I can add them to the weekly blog at the end of the week. We can have a mixture of in school and home learning to share. This will be wonderful!

Please revisit Purple Mash and check any work that needs a redo. I will be making a video today to show you exactly how to submit your work properly. You are all doing an amazing job with this.

Here is our timetable for today!

Daily tasks to complete

  • AR Reading. You can quiz at home and I will be keeping an eye on those targets and quizzes. I am expecting to increase targets later on this week. The button below will take you to the website so that you can quiz.

  • Epic is a website and app which has lots of free ebooks. There is free access to reading books for children between 7am-4pm on weekdays. On here you can find books by Accelerated Reader level (amazing). You may not be able to quiz on these on the Accelerated Reader Portal - but the main thing is that they are reading. Try and choose books that have a quiz with them. I have set up a profile for you all. All you have to do it download the getepic app or go to and type in the class code: hrk6206. You can then select your name and start reading! I can also see what they are reading from home.

  • Times Table Rockstars

English - Clockwork Part 1

Clockwork - Part 1

We are now going to read a little more of the book and focus on the introduction of Fritz and Karl.

What similarities and differences are there between these characters?

How good are you at summarising? Can you do it and get to the point?

MATHS - Improper and mixed number fractions

Today we are breaking slightly from ordering and comparing to revisit what an improper and a proper fraction is. We will then look at comparing these. I have bought myself a visualiser so that I can calculate and jot alongside you. This should help you to see how it is modelled.

10 minutes on TT Rockstars please to get warmed up - GO!

This button here will take you to a website called Maths is Fun. It explains every mathematical concept in a detailed and progressive way. Do not worry if you find simplifying fractions hard, we will be constantly revisiting it throughout the next few weeks. This website will help you understand simplifying better and will give you some extension questions.

GEOGRAPHY - THE UK - this is a 2 day lesson.

Now that we looked at the UK in general yesterday, let’s look at it a little bit closer. Today you are going to follow the lesson and look at specific counties of the UK.

Day 1 - Tuesday 12th January Research Day. Make notes on your county and find as much information as possible. Record in your books.

Day 2 - Type up your work onto Purple Mash and think about your formatting and how you would present your information and then submit your work.

Task: I have set you a blank document on Purple Mash to produce me a poster all about a specific county. Think about one that you want to research, you can choose! It may be one that you have visited or one that you know really well. Think about the geographical features:

  • How big is the county?

  • What is the location of the county?

  • What are its neighboring counties?

  • Does your county have any specific landscapes?

  • What are the major cities in your county?

  • What is the population of your county?

  • Does it have any rivers or mountain ranges?

French - BBC Learning

Madame Jefferson is back in school today and will be leading French for the class this afternoon. To keep up with learning French at home, please work through the lesson below. You might want to make notes in your home learning book. They will come in useful for when you study French at high school.