Year 6 Remote Learning - Thursday 14th January 2021

Good morning everybody. I hope that you are ready for another day’s learning.

I have been checking your AR data and there is not a lot of quizzing going on. On Friday I will be looking at targets and where you are at. Please quiz….it makes you understand the text better.

Finally, please send me photographs of you working at home so that I can add them to the weekly blog at the end of the week. We can have a mixture of in school and home learning to share. This will be wonderful!

Please revisit Purple Mash and check any work that needs a redo. The video next to this shows you how to upload your work onto Purple Mash for those children who are having issues.

Here is our timetable for today!

Class Council Blog

I have created a new blog on Purple Mash for our class council meeting on Friday. Please can you add to the agenda anything that you would like adding to the discussion. Let’s keep our first meeting really positive and reflective.

English - Clockwork Part 1

Clockwork - Part 1 - The Introduction of Dr Kalmenius

We have just met Dr Kalmenius for the first time and he has made quite the impression. Join me inside the tavern to discuss his arrival and then watch my video about what I would like you to do. We are just looking at pages 27-29 today.

Have fun!

MATHS - Converting Mixed back to Improper Fractions

Today’s lesson is making sure that you can convert mixed fractions into improper fractions and a little bit of inverse work at the end.

I have added a button to Maths is Fun website for Mixed Fractions. Use this for additional support.

IXL J7 - This is a straight forward IXL unit so you should be absolutely fine.

RE - The New Covenant

In the Old Testament, when God mad a covenant with the Jews, they agreed to live the Ten Commandments. At the Last Supper, Jesus made a New Covenant with us.

Read page 47 and 48 of the Pupil Text Book

The New Commandment is: “I give you a New Commandment: love one another; just as I have loved you, you must also love one another.” Jn 13:34

  1. Using the To Do that I have set you on Purple Mash, can you create a beautiful piece of artwork around this covenant?

  2. Complete the 2 connect on Purple Mash - What does a child who is making their first Holy Communion need to know?