Today year 4, I want you to type up your completed persuasive letter to Mr. Zuckerman on Purple mash. I have set you a 2do to do this!! It will be good for your typing skills too.
I will be expecting to see all of the persuasive sentence starts, dramatic, emotional language and the structure of a persuasive letter that I have taught you this week through your lessons. You can, as you are typing it up, make it better and include more. Use the persuasive language mat from Monday to help you.
Here is your maths video and the guided sheet to fill in as we go along. Then your independent sheet is on Purple Mash to fill in.
Today, please visit the Year 4 Art page to see what lovely ideas Mrs Curtis has planned for you. Please send your work to Mrs Curtis.
RE Judaism.
Today, watch the video below and begin your slideshow in Purple mash. You may want to finish this off tomorrow.
Blogging - Have a look at the persuasive topic today on Purple Mash. Can you use the language of persuasion?