"No matter how bad your situation is, there's always hope if you have faith!"

WOW - what a week! Our first day back after the Christmas holidays already seems a distant memory as we have adjusted to the news sprung upon us on Monday evening! The children all returned to school as enthusiastic and eager as ever, and we were all looking forward to the term ahead. Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be, but already the children have shown just what resilient and strong little people they truly are! Whether you have been working in school or at home, I am incredibly proud of your achievements so far and how well you have adjusted to this new situation that we find ourselves in.

I’m sure, like me, you are a little disappointed that we can’t continue our non-fiction bird work that we started on Monday. However, we will most definitely be continuing this when we return to school. I can already see bundles of enthusiasm towards our new focus story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ and you all made superb predictions about what you think might happen in the story.

Maths certainly wasn’t easy this week but we had so many Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders and Have a Go Tommy Turtles! If you are still finding calculating the difference and change difficult, please do not worry. This is something that we will most definitely have another look at when we return to school.

I know that many of you will be worried about your little beans that we prepared for growth on Monday. Do not fear … Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly are here and we will take real good care of them in class! I will send progress photographs of your beans, and hopefully, you’ll be able to take them home when we return to school!

Here are some photographs of this week’s learning, both in school and at home. I love receiving your photographs, they really do make me smile, so please keep them coming!

Let’s Celebrate

There will be one certificate given to a child working in school and one certificate awarded to a home learner. Therefore, if you are working from home, please do make sure that you send me those photographs and updates so that I can see your learning and you can be in the running for the certificate.

Gabriella, what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you have been this week.  Although being in class without all of our friends has been a little strange, you have completed all of your work with great enthusiasm and have tried your hardest in every lesson.  It has been wonderful to have such a smiley, happy and co-operative young lady in our class! In fact, I could have given you any of the learning characters this week!

Benjamin, you have started your second home learning experience with such enthusiasm.  I have loved receiving your photographs this week and I can see that you have been working just as hard at home as you do in school.  I loved reading your facts about owls!  Keep it up Benjamin – you should feel extremely proud of yourself! 

(Children who are working from home - I will send your certificate over to you via email. However, I will also have a copy ready to give to you when we return to school).


For those in school, PE will still take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that you are wrapped up warm every day, even on non PE days, as the classroom can get very cold with the doors open.

Please could you also ensure that your child has an old t shirt with them for Art. Many of the children have these in school already, but I think some children had taken them home over the Christmas holidays.

During these difficult and challenging times, school wishes to support all families. Time away from work including school work is needed. Because of this we will not be setting homework during this time. Family time is precious, walking, eating, praying and playing together vital. Please continue to make reading a pleasurable pastime- a time to snuggle up together and go to other worlds!

Have a lovely, restful weekend.

God Bless,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter.