'No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it'

What a topsy turvy week it has been! This week has been a rollercoaster and definitely not what we had planned. We have been so impressed with the resilience and enthusiasm the children have shown both at home and in school. It has been tricky at times and we have missed our friends, but with the help of our families at home the week has ended a successful one!

We have received so many emails with wonderful learning experiences taking place at home and for that we cannot thank you enough. The children who are in school have LOVED seeing their friends on the screen so please keep this up. Even though we are apart, we are still a team! Miss Neves and Mrs Carr have been as fantastic as ever and enabled videos to be filmed and planning to be done. Team work most definitely does make the dream work!

I am sure that this week has been difficult for so many of you, please just do what you can and ask if you need support, we are here to help in any way we can! The children will be okay, challenges only make us stronger in the end.

We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.

During RWI have been segmenting and blending as much as possible this week. This is Miss Lavelle’s favourite term because the magic of writing kicks in! In Maths we were introduced to zero the hero in a very catchy song. We also found a mysterious train ticket in the classroom and imagined where we would go if we had a train that could take us anywhere. Together in English we made a story map make of the story ‘The Train Ride’, we look forward to building on this next week!

The pictures below celebrate learning from home and school this week.

Let’s Celebrate

Lena is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being so enthusiastic with all our learning challenges this week. We are so impressed with your excitement to try new things. Well done Lena! (Thank you for the wonderful emails)

Lettie is a Determined Sadie Spider - For being so determined especially during reading and writing activities. We are so impressed with your willingness to have a go, even when you find the challenge tricky at first. Well done Lettie!

Important Notices

Exercise books - If you would like to collect an exercise book for your child’s remote learning you can do so from the school office. (If your child has been in school this week, they have been sent home with an exercise book to use if they are not in next week).

s.lavelle@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk - Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or pictures and videos.

Have a restful weekend and again, thank you!

The Reception Team