‘Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile and start again.’

What a week! This week has certainly not been how I expected the first week of Spring Term to go. Thank you all for your patience, as I have planned, filmed learning and organised myself. This week has been a challenging one for us all and I am so grateful for those of you who have needed to make very last minute childcare arrangements. Equally, I appreciate how tricky it is to work from home and support your children online, you can all only do your best and that will always be enough. For those parents who are critical workers, thank you for everything you are doing.

Please know that whenever your child does return to school, they will be supported academically, emotionally and socially. Any gaps in their learning will be addressed and just like when they returned to school in September, they will be given the lots of time to talk, open up and settle back into the school routine.

Thank you so much for all of you who have emailed me to let me know how your child has got on learning remotely. I know how busy you all are and I really appreciate you all checking in. As I said earlier in the week, if you could email general photos to Mrs Kaur, for her to collate, that would be wonderful. All learning updates/questions, please email me.

How have we grown our brains this week?

In English this week the children have been learning all about adjectives and have written some brilliant character descriptions for characters in the Gruffalo.

In Maths we have begun learning all about numbers within 20. The children have spent a lot of time practising representing them describing them using their knowledge of tens and ones.

In RHE we have done a lot of talking. The Year 1 children are full of curiosity and have shared their thoughts, worries and questions with us. Your children are so thoughtful and full of love for those around them that are struggling. We shared the story of Ruby’s Worry. This is a book about a little girl who has a worry and doesn’t understand what it is or how to get rid of it. She learns that sharing her worry makes it shrink until it disappears completely. If you are looking for a book to add to your children’s home library in the future, I highly recommend this one.

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Star of the Day

Each day I pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: William, Amelia, Finley and Tommy.


Remote Learner - Enthusiastic Bobby Bee. For reading, reading, reading! Naomi, you have been exploring the reading books on Epic and have been filling your wonderful brain with new words and facts. Well done Naomi and keep up the brilliant reading! Missing you lots!

School Learner - Enthusiastic Bobby Bee For smiling all week long! Tilly N, you have filled our classroom with happiness this week, with your positivity and kindness. You have spotted that it has been an unusual week for your class friends and teachers and have done everything you can to make us all smile.


  • PE DAY CHANGE: Wednesday and Friday. Apologies that this has changed again; we have had to rearrange our PE timetable to accommodate teachers having time released from class, to film learning. As always, children can come to school wearing their school tracksuits on these days.

  • Mrs Curtis has kindly asked if children could bring in a ‘big old t-shirt’ to keep their uniforms clean, during Art lessons. Please could children have these labelled and in a plastic bag. Please could your child bring this in, if they are in school on Wednesday/Thursday.

  • During these difficult and challenging times, school wishes to support all families. Time away from work including school work is needed. Because of this we will not be setting homework during this time. Family time is precious, walking, eating, praying and playing together vital. Please continue to make reading a pleasurable pastime- a time to snuggle up together and go to other worlds!

God bless and take care,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell